聖安姊妹會 (Sisters of St. Ann) 於 1880 年創立了聖安學院 (St. Ann’s Academy)。學校很早就搬到了尼古拉街,並更名為聖安學院。
現在的地點是由修女會於 1910 年選擇併購買的;山上的聖安就這樣誕生了。在接下來的三十年裡,學校繼續發展,直到 1945 年勝利日發生悲劇,上面兩層樓被大火燒毀。
學校從這場災難中恢復過來,並在哈靈頓主教的指導下建造了新翼樓。學校現在提供完整的高中課程,但發現越來越難以跟上 BC 課程不斷變化的需求。
聖安學院一直是一所高中,直到 1970 年恢復為小學。修女們繼續管理學校,直至 1978 年 Dale Scherer 先生被任命為校長。
1980 年,亞當·埃克斯納 (Adam Exner) 主教向基督教兄弟會 (Congregation of Christian Brothers) 提議重新開放高中部。 1981年9月,十一年來第一個八年級班級進入聖安學院。 自 1981 年以來,學校經歷了前所未有的發展,到 2000 年,學生人數已超過 600 人。
2002年1月,學校的管理權從基督教兄弟會交回教區。 聖安學院現隸屬於坎盧普斯教區天主教獨立學校 (CISKD),校長 Christopher Yuen 先生。
The Sisters of St. Ann founded St. Ann’s Academy in 1880. The school was originally called St. Louis School and was situated in the Mission Flats area. The school moved to Nicola Street and was renamed St. Ann’s Academy very early in its history.
The present site was selected and purchased by the Sisters in 1910; thus St. Ann’s on the Hill was born. The school continued to grow for the next thirty years, until tragedy struck on V-E Day 1945 when the upper two floors were destroyed by fire.
The school recovered from this disaster and under the guidance of Bishop Harrington a new wing was completed. The school now offered a full high school program, but found it increasingly difficult to keep up with the changing demands of BC’s curriculum.
St. Ann’s Academy remained a high school until 1970 when it reverted to an elementary school. The Sisters continued to administer the school until 1978, when Mr. Dale Scherer was appointed principal.
In 1980 Bishop Adam Exner made overtures to the Congregation of Christian Brothers to reopen the high school section. In September 1981 the first grade eight class in eleven years entered St. Ann’s Academy. The school experienced unprecedented growth since 1981 with enrollment surpassing 600 students by 2000.
In January 2002, the responsibility for the school passed from the Christian Brothers back to the Diocese. St. Ann’s Academy is now part of the Catholic Independent Schools of Kamloops Diocese (CISKD), Mr. Christopher Yuen, Superintendent.