Vancouver Premier College(VPC)

大學預備班 University Foundation, 社區學院 Community College
Certificate, Diploma, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)

溫哥華總理藝術與科學學院、溫哥華總理商業與管理學院和溫哥華總理酒店管理學院(「我們的學院」)是獨立的學院,擁有不同的課程、政策、講師、教室空間、獎學金、學分轉移和 PTIB, EQA 和DLI 指定。申請我們任一學院以獲取轉學分至我們的銜接合作夥伴機構之一的學生應審查其所選學院和課程的銜接安排(包括任何及所有畢業 AGPA 要求),以避免學生的任何不確定性預期學分轉移。 


Vancouver Premier College of Arts and Science, Vancouver Premier College of Business and Management, and Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management (“Our Colleges”) are separate colleges with distinct programs, policies, instructors, classroom space, scholarships, credit transfer and PTIB, EQA and DLI designation. Students who apply to one of our Colleges for the purposes of earning transfer credit to one of our articulating partner institutions should review the articulation arrangements from their chosen college and program (inclusive of any and all graduation AGPA requirements) to avoid any uncertainty about the student’s intended credit transfer.