University of Windsor (UW)

大學 University, 大學預備班 University Foundation
Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 (本科學位), Certificate, Diploma, Doctorate Degree 博士學位, Graduate program, Master's Degree 碩士學位, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)


溫莎大學是一所以學生為中心的綜合大學,約有 18,000 名學生就讀於廣泛的本科和研究生課程,包括:






About the University

The University of Windsor is a comprehensive, student-focused university, with about 18,000 students enrolled in a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs, including:

We have strong student-faculty relationships, exceptional award-winning faculty, and innovative staff. An atmosphere of excellence across all of our programs encourages lifelong learning, teaching, research, and discovery.

Located next to North America’s busiest international border crossing, the University of Windsor campus looks out on the beautiful Detroit River waterfront. Windsor is also Canada’s southernmost city and enjoys some of the country’s best weather.

This location speaks to UWindsor’s strength as an internationally oriented, multi-disciplined institution that actively enables a broad diversity of students, faculty, and staff to make a better world through education, scholarship, research and engagement.

Our basic characteristics of openness, warmth, and support make the University of Windsor an exceptionally welcoming community for students and faculty from Asia, Europe and Africa—or from just down the street.