University of Waikato

Co-education, 大學 University
Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 (本科學位), Doctorate Degree 博士學位, Graduate program, Master's Degree 碩士學位


歡迎來到 懷卡託大學 Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato ,這裡充滿了可能性和機會。無論您是在尋找一個能夠為您從事有價值的職業做好準備的學位,一個能夠挑戰您並產生影響的研究項目,還是一個能夠豐富您生活的海外留學經歷,您都可以在懷卡托找到它。 

我們很自豪能夠成為紐西蘭領先的大學之一,在 2024 年 QS 世界大學排名中排名第 250 位。 

我們擁有世界知名的學校,提供廣泛的課程;我們的 11 個學科在 QS 排名中名列全球前 350 名。此外,我們還擁有 懷卡託管理學院,該學院的商業和經濟學排名第 151-175 位(在泰晤士報高等教育世界大學學科排名中)。本校管理學院取得AACSB、AMBA、EQUIS三冠認證,位居全球商學院前1%。

我們的 教育學院 是紐西蘭最大的初級教師教育提供者之一,並提供國內和國際在職教師專業發展。這兩者都是由我們  透過威爾夫馬爾科姆教育研究所進行的 前沿研究得出的。

我們 的電腦與數學科學學院於 2016 年成為iSchools 國際集團的第一個紐西蘭成員  ,iSchools 是世界領先的資訊科技學校的合作夥伴。 2021 年,我們成立了 人工智慧研究所, 以便我們可以更好地利用人工智慧來造福我們的社區。我們專注於大數據的即時分析,並創建了一些世界上最受歡迎的機器學習開源工具,例如 WEKA  (懷卡托知識分析環境)。自 1993 年創建以來,WEKA 的下載量已超過 1000 萬次,並被超過 18,000 份研究和應用資料科學出版物引用。 

該大學因其在人文和社會科學領域的卓越表現而獲得國際認可。我們擁有一系列充滿活力的 藝術項目,包括世界一流的歌劇、音樂和表演設施,以及蓬勃發展的法學院 心理 學院 和 社會科學學院。同樣,在獲得世界著名的《華盛頓協議》認可的科學和工程領域 ,我們的科學學院、 工程學院 和 健康學院提供廣泛的課程 ,包括 體育和人類表現課程。 

Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao 毛利和原住民研究學院在永續發展和原住民議題方面發揮全球領導作用,我們的工作人員包括毛利和太平洋發展、原住民研究以及文化和語言振興相關議題的領先研究人員。

我們為我們的研究和教育所產生的正面影響感到自豪,並在最新的泰晤士報高等教育影響力排名和 QS 永續發展排名中躋身全球前 100 名。這兩項指標都衡量了大學對推動和實現 聯合國 17 個永續發展目標的持久變革的承諾。一個例子是我們的 氣候變遷學士學位 ,這是世界上第一個此類學位,結合了科學知識和對人民、全球經濟和政治體系的理解。 

該大學成立於1964年,有兩個校區。我們最初的校區位於漢密爾頓市,並於 2019 年在陶朗加開設了另一個校區。校園提供現代化的設施、充滿活力的學生生活以及輕鬆接觸大自然和休閒的機會。您將享受到一所緊密聯繫的大學的好處,在這裡您將作為一個個體而被人所知,並在您在我們這裡的整個時間裡受到我們專業的國際學生支持顧問團隊的培養。除了學術支援外,國際學生在整個學習過程中都會得到持續的幫助,從同儕的學生夥伴、校內護理師和醫生,到輔導員和職業顧問。此外,國際學生還有機會申請  大學的眾多助學金和獎學金。


懷卡託大學擁有支持性的學術環境和文化多元化的學生社區,是尋求優質教育和充滿活力的大學體驗的國際學生的完美選擇。不要只相信我們的話。絕大多數懷卡托國際學生向其他人推薦了這所大學(根據 2023 年學生晴雨表調查)。 


About University of Waikato

Welcome to the University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, where a world of possibilities and opportunities await you. Whether you are looking for a degree that will prepare you for a rewarding career, a research programme that will challenge you and make an impact, or a study abroad experience that will enrich your life, you will find it here at Waikato. 

We are proud to be one of the leading universities in New Zealand, with a position of 250th in the QS World University Rankings 2024. 

We have world renowned schools offering a broad range of programmes; 11 of our subjects are ranked by QS in the top 350 globally. In addition we are home to the Waikato Management School, which is ranked 151-175 for Business and Economics (in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by Subject). Our management school has achieved Triple Crown Accreditation from AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS and is in the top 1% of business schools globally.

Our School of Education is one of New Zealand’s largest providers of initial teacher education as well as providing national and international in-service teacher professional development.  Both of these are informed by our cutting edge Research through the Wilf Malcolm Institute for Education Research. 

Our School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences became the first New Zealand member of the international group of iSchools in 2016, a partnership of the world’s leading information technology schools. In 2021, we launched The Artificial Intelligence Institute so we could better leverage AI for the benefit of our communities. We are focused on real-time analytics for big data and have created some of the world’s most popular open source tools for machine learning, such as WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis). Since its creation in 1993, WEKA has been downloaded more than 10 million times and has also been cited in more than 18,000 research and applied data science publications. 

The University is internationally recognised for its excellence across the humanities and social sciences. We have a vibrant set of programmes across the Arts, including world class facilities for opera, music and performance, as well as thriving schools of Law, Psychology and Social Sciences. Likewise in the sciences and engineering, which is accredited by the world famous Washington Accord, we offer a wide range of programmes from our schools of Science, Engineering and Health, including Sport and Human Performance. 

Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao, the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, provides global leadership in sustainable development and indigenous issues, and our staff include leading researchers in issues pertaining to Māori and Pacific Development, indigenous studies and culture and language revitalization.

We are proud of the positive impact of our research and education, and this has been recognised with a top 100 worldwide position in the latest Times Higher Education Impact Rankings and the QS Sustainability Rankings. Both these measure universities’ commitment to driving and delivering lasting change across the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. An example is our Bachelor of Climate Change degree, which was the first of its kind in the world, combining scientific knowledge and an understanding of people, global economic and political systems. 

Established in 1964, the university has two campuses. Our original campus is located in Hamilton city and we opened another campus in Tauranga in 2019. Both cities are the heart of New Zealand’s export driven economy. The campuses offer modern facilities, vibrant student life, and easy access to nature and recreation. You will enjoy the benefits of a close-knit university where you will be known as an individual and nurtured throughout your time with us by our dedicated team of international student support advisors. In addition to academic support, international students are assisted consistently throughout their studies, from peer-to-peer student buddies, on-campus nurses and doctors, to counselors and career advisors. In addition, international students also have the opportunity to apply for numerous bursaries and scholarships at the university.

We are a university that not only delivers a world-class education and research portfolio, but also provides a full and dynamic university experience. We have strong partnerships with industry, government and community organizations, which will enable us to provide you with practical learning opportunities and career pathways. You will gain valuable hands-on experience through our work-integrated learning papers, internships, and industry projects, which are part of all of our undergraduate degrees and many of our taught masters programmes.

With a supportive academic environment and a culturally diverse student community, the University of Waikato is the perfect choice for international students seeking quality education and a dynamic university experience. Don’t just take our word for it. The overwhelming majority of Waikato international students recommended the university to others (as per the 2023 student barometer survey).