萊斯布里奇自 1906 年建城以來,是一個不斷發展的社區,擁有超過 10 萬名居民。該市的經濟歷來以農業為主,但現已發展成為繁榮的工業、商業、研究和技術中心。萊斯布里奇的主要雇主來自教育、醫療保健和政府部門。
About Lethbridge
Located in the heart of southern Alberta, Lethbridge is a place where ideas flourish.
A city since 1906, Lethbridge is a growing community of just over 100,000 residents. The city’s economy has historically been agriculture-based, but has expanded into a thriving industrial, commercial, research and technology hub. Lethbridge’s major employers are in the education, health care and government sectors.