UNISUS IB 世界學校坐落在加拿大迷人的奧肯那根山谷,提供個人化的教育體驗,使每個學生都能發揮其獨特的潛力,並為他們迎接明天快速變化的世界做好準備。UNISUS 致力於透過國際文憑 (IB) 課程培養全球領導者和批判性思想家,不僅培養學術實力,還培養國際情懷、創造力和強烈的學習好奇心。
我們獨特的戶外教育、技術和創新以及創業精神支柱無縫地融入了 IB 框架,豐富了教育經驗,並賦予學生實踐技能和前瞻性思維。
作為不列顛哥倫比亞省為數不多的提供寄宿課程的 IB 學校之一,我們緊密聯繫的國際學校社區使學生能夠踏上自我發現、擁抱獨立、文化多樣性和個人成長的變革之旅。
Nestled within the captivating Okanagan Valley in Canada, UNISUS IB World School delivers a personalized education experience that enables each student to power their unique potential, and prepares them for tomorrow’s rapidly changing world.UNISUS is dedicated to nurturing global leaders and critical thinkers through the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, fostering not only academic prowess but also international-mindedness, creativity, and a profound curiosity for learning.
Our distinct pillars of outdoor education, technology and innovation, and entrepreneurship are seamlessly interwoven into the IB framework, enriching the educational experience and empowering students with practical skills and a forward-thinking mindset.
One of the few IB schools in British Columbia to also offer a boarding program, our close-knit international school community enables students to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, embracing independence, cultural diversity, and personal growth.
Within our nurturing environment, students evolve into compassionate, empowered individuals, equipped to leave an enduring impact as they build their futures.