Toronto Central Academy (TCA)

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School


在多倫多中央學院,我們就像一個小家庭。一個互相支持、教導、互相學習的家庭。在這種智力刺激和包容性的學習環境中,學生茁壯成長,成為全面發展、受過良好教育的人,能夠克服可能遇到的任何障礙。但 TCA 與其他學校有何不同?



在 TCA,我們對學生的教育和關懷超越了課堂。我們的學生將獲得寶貴的知識、技能和經驗,他們將受益終生並珍惜這些知識、技能和經驗。



AP 課程針對 12 年級學生,旨在為學生提供相當於大學一年級課程的背景和知識。它們讓學生有機會對一門或多門感興趣和強項的科目進行豐富、深入的學習。根據標準化 AP 考試的表現,學生可以獲得轉學分、大學先修課程或兩者兼而有之。每所大學都獨立決定如何認可 AP 課程的成功完成,並制定了明確的 AP 政策供學生使用。

AP課程涵蓋安大略省課程和AP內容。學生在每個領域分別進行評估。學生在課程中的最終分數取決於他或她對安大略省課程的了解。 AP 內容的評估發生在標準化 AP 考試(每年五月舉行)期間。

許多提供 AP 課程的學校決定在 9、10 和 11 年級提供 AP 預科課程。 AP 預科課程的重點應該是培養 AP 課程成功所需的技能和思考習慣,包括探究和解決問題、批判性思考和創造力、溝通和協作。

TEA 提供的 AP 預科課程
  • 英語:ENG1DP; ENG2DP;英語3UP
  • 計算機:ICS2DP; ICS3UP
TEA 提供的 AP 課程
  • AP 微積分 AB:MCV4UP1
  • AP 微積分 BC:MCV4UP2
  • AP英語文學:ENG4UP
  • AP 計算機科學 A:ICS4UP

Why Choose TCA

Here at Toronto Central Academy, we are like a small family. A family which supports, teaches, and learns from each other. In this intellectually stimulating and inclusive learning environment, students thrive and flourish into well-rounded, educated individuals who can overcome any obstacles that may come their way. But what sets TCA apart from other schools?

We develop our students’ skills and abilities by providing a comprehensive education that starts with the student. Rather than imposing one type of learning strategy onto all our students, we begin by finding what kinds of learning strategies and teaching techniques work the best for each individual student. By taking this student-focused learning approach, we are able to optimize the education our students receive.

Our small class sizes enable to us to focus more attention on each individual student, giving them the opportunity to develop their skills and to discover new ones. Not only will they learn skills that will enable them to succeed in class and in their future academic endeavours, they will also develop skills that will help them become more rounded individuals. Our experienced staff and faculty work together with the student and their parents to take a proactive approach that ensures the student’s needs are always met.

Here at TCA, our education and care for our students extend beyond the classroom. Our students will gain valuable knowledge, skills, and experiences that they will use and treasure for a lifetime.


Advanced Placement

AP courses occur at the grade 12 level and are designed to provide students with background and knowledge equivalent to a first-year university course. They allow students the opportunity for enriched, intensive study in one or more subjects of interest and strength. Based on their performance on the standardized AP exam, students may earn a transfer credit, advanced placement or both for university. Each university decides independently how to recognize successful completion of AP courses and has a clearly articulated AP policy which students can access.

AP courses cover both the Ontario curriculum and the AP content. Students are evaluated on each area separately. A student’s final mark in the course is based on his or her knowledge of the Ontario curriculum. Evaluation of the AP content occurs during the standardized AP exam (written annually in May).

Many schools that offer AP courses decide to offer pre-AP courses in grades 9, 10 and 11. Pre-AP is more of a mindset than an actual destination or stream. The focus of pre-AP courses should be on developing the skills and habits of mind needed for success in AP courses, including inquiry and problem solving, critical thinking and creativity, communication and collaboration.

Pre-AP Courses Offered at TEA
  • English:  ENG1DP; ENG2DP; ENG3UP
  • Math: MPM1DP; MPM2DP; MCR3UP
  • Computer: ICS2DP; ICS3UP
AP Course Offered at TEA
  • AP Calculus AB: MCV4UP1
  • AP Calculus BC: MCV4UP2
  • AP English Literature: ENG4UP
  • AP Computer Science A:  ICS4UP