The Collegiate at The University of Winnipeg

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School


學院提供高品質、靈活的中學教育,為我們的畢業生提供終身成功的機會。透過我們的無縫入學流程,合格的 12 年級學生可以加速進入溫尼伯大學。大學畢業生也自豪地被加拿大及其他地區的其他頂尖學校錄取,包括:

  • 卡爾頓大學(加州安大略省)
  • 達爾豪斯大學(加州新斯科細亞省)
  • 麥克馬斯特大學(加州安大略省)
  • 麥基爾大學(魁北克,加州)
  • 不列顛哥倫比亞大學(加利福尼亞州不列顛哥倫比亞省)
  • 維多利亞大學(加州不列顛哥倫比亞省)
  • 多倫多大學(加州安大略省)
  • 約克大學(加州安大略省)
  • 哥倫比亞(美國)
  • 哈佛大學(美國)
  • 普林斯頓大學(美國)
  • 麻省理工學院(美國)
  • 史丹佛大學(美國)
  • 耶魯大學(美國)
  • 牛津大學(英國)
  • 劍橋大學(英國)





符合溫尼伯大學入學學術要求的大學生將於 1 月收到錄取通知書,並在 12 年級最終成績公佈後於 4 月收到最終錄取通知。 


如果您是目前就讀 8-11 年級的高中生,並且對學術課程抱有很高的期望,請來學院學習。學院提供專注的學術課堂環境。










溫尼伯大學學院 (UWC) 位於加拿大溫尼伯,為曼尼托巴省和世界各地 30 多個國家的學生提供卓越的高中課程。 UWC 在加拿大各地的學校中是獨一無二的,因為它在大學內提供完整的高中課程(9 至 12 年級)。學生為進入大學做好充分的準備,我們的教師和全職國際學生顧問幫助確保我們的學生走上未來成功的道路。


High School At University

The University of Winnipeg Collegiate (UWC), located in Winnipeg, Canada, offers an exceptional high school program to students in Manitoba and from over 30 countries around the world. UWC is unique among schools across Canada as it offers a full high school program (Grades 9 – 12) within a university. Students receive superior preparation for university, and our faculty and full-time International Student Advisor help ensure that our students are on a path to success for the future.


The Collegiate Advantage

The high-quality, flexible secondary school education at the Collegiate equips our graduates for life-long success. Through our seamless admission process, qualified Grade 12 students receive accelerated admission to The University of Winnipeg. Collegiate graduates have also been proudly accepted at other top schools across Canada and beyond, including:

  • Carleton University (Ontario, CA)
  • Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia, CA)
  • McMaster University (Ontario, CA)
  • McGill University (Quebec, CA)
  • University of British Columbia (British Columbia, CA)
  • University of Victoria (British Columbia, CA)
  • University of Toronto (Ontario, CA)
  • York University (Ontario, CA)
  • Columbia (USA)
  • Harvard University (USA)
  • Princeton University (USA)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
  • Stanford University (USA)
  • Yale University (USA)
  • University of Oxford (UK)
  • University of Cambridge (UK)

Consider us if:

You want to thrive in university

If you are successful at the Collegiate, you will be successful at University. The values, beliefs, and skills that you develop with us will serve you well as your independence, organizational and critical thinking skills are enriched and enhanced.

You want seamless admission to University of Winnipeg

Collegiate students who meet the academic requirements for admission to the University of Winnipeg will receive an offer of acceptance in January, with final acceptance in April, after their final Grade 12 marks are available. 

You have high expectations

Come to the Collegiate if you are a high school student currently in Grade 8-11 with high expectations for academic programming.  The Collegiate provides a focused, academic classroom environment.

You are interested in dual-credit courses

Dual-credit courses help you meet your high school graduation requirements while you also earn first-year university credit.

You want to be immersed in a respectful environment

At the Collegiate you will be respected and treated as an individual who is responsible for his or her own learning.

You want access to resources

You will have access to The University of Winnipeg’s libraries, labs, and fitness facilities.

You have a passion for the performing arts

Working with professional performing arts partners, we  offer our students exceptional opportunities to attend live performances, and integrate experiential learning into our curriculum.

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School