St.John Brebeuf Regional Secondary School

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School


這個世界上很少有地方比這裡更風景如畫。溫哥華和低陸平原位於太平洋和北岸山脈之間,我們的環境非常美麗,地理多樣化。有山要攀登,有水要釣魚,有森林要探索,而這只是開始。溫哥華是一流的城市,年年被列為全球最適合居住的城市之一。這是您的教育起飛的完美環境。聖約翰布雷博夫高中 (St. John Brebeuf High School) 位於阿伯茨福德 (Abbotsford),距離溫哥華市 45 分鐘車程,交通便利,是弗雷澤河谷中部唯一的天主教高中。我們的教職員工和緊密的學校社區充滿信念,致力於為每位走進我們大門的學生提供服務。



Beautiful British Columbia!

There are few places in this world that are more picturesque. Vancouver and the Lower Mainland are situated between the Pacific Ocean and the North Shore Mountains, our environment is stunningly beautiful and geographically diverse. There are mountains to climb, waters to fish, forests to explore, and that is just the beginning. Vancouver is a first-class city, and year after year is listed as one of the most liveable cities in the world to live. It is the perfect setting for your education to take flight. St. John Brebeuf High School is conveniently located 45 minutes from the city of Vancouver in Abbotsford, and is the only Catholic High School in the Central Fraser Valley. Rich in faith, our staff and close school community is dedicated to each student that walks through our doors.

Our international students are nurtured and treated with dignity. They are surrounded by talented teachers, a welcoming student body and given every opportunity for success. Our high educational standards and expectations challenge our students academically to reach their highest potential; and prepare them for the future. International Students who successfully complete the requirements for high school graduation in British Columbia will receive a Dogwood Certificate; which meets entrance requirements for colleges, universities and other post-secondary institutions.