Robert Land Academy

Boys' school, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 寄宿學校 Boarding School

為什麼選擇 RLA?

  • 絕大多數學生在第一學期的學業成績和成功方面都取得了巨大的進步。
  • 修改後的學術課程的學生將被重新安排,以擴大高等教育的選擇。
  • 過去十年,申請的畢業生 100% 被大學或學院錄取


  • 我們使用軍事模型來提供高度結構化的計劃。這種方法培養責任感、責任感和自我控制力,幫助學生塑造自己的未來。
  • 我們的重點不僅限於學術卓越,還包括心靈、身體和品格的發展。我們的目標是讓每個學生充分發揮自己的潛能。
  • 該學院將智力和身體挑戰與持續培訓和支持結合起來。這種混合鼓勵我們學生的自信和自我價值。









Why RLA?

  • The vast majority of students experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance and success within the first semester.
  • Students in modified academic programs are re-streamed to expand post-secondary options.
  • Over the past decade, 100% of the graduating class who have applied have been accepted to a university or college

Why the Military Model?

  • We use a military model to offer a highly structured program. This approach fosters accountability, responsibility, and self-control, helping students shape their own futures.
  • Our focus extends beyond academic excellence to encompass the development of mind, body, and character. We aim to empower each student to realize their full potential.
  • The Academy combines intellectual and physical challenges with continuous training and support. This blend encourages self-confidence and self-worth in our students.


While benefiting all boys generally, Robert Land Academy’s program also specifically addresses the majority of the recognized approaches to constructively address ADHD.


Looking at the acknowledged approaches in advocated special programs for ADHD students, it can be seen that Robert Land Academy incorporates all of the suggestions in what can only be described as a holistic approach to the problem. Experience over years has shown that Robert Land Academy’s program works, boys respond in an overwhelmingly successful manner.

Additional Learning Support

Providing an environment that minimizes distractions and excessive electronic stimulation, emphasizes self-care and routine, and promotes nutritional diet, exercise, and sleep all together create a platform enabling success and a sense of self-confidence through genuine accomplishment. Once this process can be set into motion much of the mental energy being expressed in frustration is seen to be redirected in positive efforts to confront and overcome challenges.

How Can Robert Land Academy’s Program Support Development?

At our Academy, we are committed to offering comprehensive support to our students in various aspects of their well-being. This includes a robust focus on physical health and nutrition, ensuring that our students maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Recognizing the importance of mental health, we provide dedicated support for emotional and psychological well-being. Our approach is inclusive and effective for students with a range of learning disabilities, including ADHD, ODD, and OCD, among others. We believe in nurturing every aspect of our students’ development, helping them to overcome challenges and thrive in both their academic and personal lives