Newton’s Grove 是一所以學生為中心的私立學校,招收從 JK 到 12 年級的學生。
我們的整體方法著重學生發展的各個方面,包括學術、身體和社交,強調積極的態度、自律、責任感和個人責任。我們透過一個強調識字和算術、 STEAM重要性、藝術參與、體育活動和體育的項目來促進這種發展。在過程中,我們挑戰學生追求卓越,獨立思考,並找到自己的聲音。
從 7 年級開始(與通常的 9 年級相比),我們的學生從單元測試過渡到總結性考試,涵蓋更多材料並確保他們為即將到來的考試做好充分準備。
當他們完成 8 年級時,我們的中級學生可以撰寫論文並在論文中有效地支持它。他們已經掌握了學術水平高中課程所必需的數學基礎。他們可以解釋相關歷史問題並將其應用到當今,並了解自然地理如何塑造當前的文化和政治事件。他們研究過機器人技術。他們可以評估並正確引用學校計畫的線上研究資源。他們透過參與各種團隊和個人運動培養了基本的運動技能。他們可以演奏銅管樂器或木管樂器,並透過戲劇學習培養了自信和沈著。
班級平均約有 18 名學生。每個人都應該自力更生,並對自己的工作和行為負責。
9 至 12 年級的學生可以接受嚴格的學術課程,重點是以原創和創造性的方式應用高階思維技能,例如分析、綜合和外推。具有挑戰性的學術課程與體育、視覺藝術、音樂、戲劇、技術和課外活動相平衡,培養每個學生在實現個人卓越的獨特道路上所需的技能。
法律、哲學、商業、機器人、經濟學、加速數學課程和各種 AP 課程等高級課程讓高年級學生能夠更深入地挖掘自己的興趣,並比其他學校的同齡人獲得優勢。
雖然所有高中生都至少完成 40 小時的社區服務,但牛頓格羅夫的學生通常會遠遠超過最低要求,從而了解他們的公民責任以及他們在支持和加強社區方面可以發揮的作用。
Newton’s Grove 是一所官方認可的 II 級先修課程 (AP) 學校,經美國大學理事會授權提供和管理 AP 考試。我們提供 AP 課程,以便我們的學生在他們選擇的專上課程中比同齡人擁有競爭優勢。對我們來說,這是AP最顯著的好處。
任何希望在大學取得進步的積極進取的學生都是 AP 課程的理想候選人。我們的學生參加了AP考試,包括AP微積分、AP化學、AP物理、AP統計學、AP音樂理論、AP微觀經濟學和AP宏觀經濟學。在 Newton’s Grove,學生的特定科目成績必須達到 80%,才能被視為 AP 考生。
Newton’s Grove is a student-focused private school for children from JK through Grade 12. Surrounded by abundant green space, our growing state-of-the-art facility is bright, modern, and designed to stimulate and support every aspect of a student’s development.
With small class sizes and a small student population, each student receives personal attention, guidance and encouragement. Well before their final year, Newton’s Grove students are prepared and positioned to succeed in their post-secondary school of choice and beyond.
Our inquiry-based curriculum encourages students to think independently, to ask questions, and to become problem solvers. By setting high standards and maintaining small classes, we can individualize our approach and provide the enrichment and support students need. By melding traditional expectations of regular homework and disciplined studies with the latest research, we offer dynamic and engaging lessons that prepare our students for future success. Our emphasis on all these aspects of learning allow our programs to meet and exceed the Ministry of Education standards.
Intermediate students at Newton’s Grove can expect to develop the self-reliance and conceptual thinking skills they need to manage school work that increasingly challenges them to make connections across fields of knowledge.
Building on students’ growing independent thinking skills, our Intermediate Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare students for success in high school. Many subjects are taught by specialists at this level, and students must wrestle conceptually at a deeper level than ever before.
Starting in Grade 7—versus the usual Grade 9—our students transition from unit tests to summative exams, covering more material and ensuring they are well-prepared for exams to come.
By the time they complete Grade 8, our Intermediate students can formulate a thesis and support it effectively in an essay. They’ve mastered the mathematical foundation essential to Academic-level high school courses. They can interpret and apply relevant historical issues to the present day, and they have an appreciation of how physical geography shapes current cultural and political events. They’ve studied robotics. They can evaluate and properly cite online research resources for school projects. They’ve developed fundamental athletic skills by participating in a variety of team and individual sports. They can play a brass or woodwind instrument, and have developed confidence and poise through the study of drama.
In short, by the time they enter Grade 9, these students are exceptionally well-prepared.
Grades 7 and 8 can be a challenging time for kids as they begin to navigate changing social dynamics and increased responsibilities. Students naturally seek greater independence at this stage, and our Intermediate Program addresses that by stressing the importance of responsibility and accountability as essential to growing.
Good study habits are emphasized now more than ever, and students build solid time management and organizational skills, relying on their school agendas to manage increased responsibility and commitments.
Classes average approximately 18 students. Every individual is expected to be self-reliant and accountable for his or her work and actions.
The Senior Program at Newton’s Grove encourages and empowers all students to master the skills, concepts and habits they will need to achieve their goals and excel in the post-secondary program of their choice.
Students in Grades 9 through 12 can expect a rigorous academic program with an emphasis on applying higher-order thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and extrapolation, in original and creative ways. Challenging academics are balanced with athletics, visual arts, music, drama, technology, and extra-curricular activities, to cultivate the skills each student will need on his or her unique path to personal excellence.
Increased involvement in the school community and the community at large is encouraged at this level, as senior students strive to embody Newton’s Grove key values of reason, respect, and responsibility. And while students give back, they are supported by a strong and inclusive community of committed teachers, faculty, and an ongoing partnership with parents, ensuring all students reaches their full potential and are positioned for success.
Students at Newton’s Grove are encouraged to actively pursue their passions—but they are also encouraged to actively manage their overall wellness and day-to-day concerns, such as time and stress management.
Senior students can engage Student Success Advisors as needed, to talk through challenges, strategize and develop coping skills that work for each individual.
Academic enrichment and supplemental support is also available across subjects for any student in need of additional instruction.
Newton’s Grove is an officially recognized Level II Advanced Placement (AP) school, authorized by the College Board to offer and administer AP exams. We offer AP courses so our students will have a competitive edge over their peers in their chosen post-secondary programs. For us, this is the most significant benefit of AP.
Any motivated student who wishes to thrive in university is an ideal candidate for the AP program. Our students have written AP exams, including AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Statistics, AP Musical Theory, AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics. At Newton’s Grove, a student should have a minimum mark of 80% in a given subject to be considered an AP candidate.