Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)

大學 University, 大學預備班 University Foundation
Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 (本科學位), Certificate, Diploma, Doctorate Degree 博士學位, Graduate program, Master's Degree 碩士學位



在紀念大學,來自超過 115 個國家的 19,000 多名學生齊聚一堂,共同探索。從經典到先進技術,紀念學院在五個校區線上提供證書、文憑、本科、研究生和研究生課程。由世界各地近 10 萬名傑出校友組成的全球網絡增強了紀念大學在研究、教學和公眾參與方面的領導能力和聲譽。了解有關紀念大學的更多 快速事實。


紀念學院超過 40% 的研究與海洋相關(僅理學院這一比例為 68%)。如果北大西洋正在進行研究,紀念大學很可能參與其中。事實上,紀念館是海洋前沿研究所的合作夥伴,這是一項耗資 2.2 億美元的合作研究計劃,旨在利用世界海洋的巨大潛力。 Memorial 也是加拿大海洋超級集群的一部分,這是一個由私營部門主導的合作夥伴關係,利用創新和商業化來推動海洋經濟的永續成長。

作為加拿大排名前20的研究型大學之一 ,紀念大學擁有30多個研究中心,2019-20年度獲得超過1.3億加幣的研究經費。 Memorial 及其資助合作夥伴長期以來一直相信投資於有才華的學生,我們很自豪地說我們擁有超過 1,500 名研究生獎學金和 854 名博士生。



紀念學院的院係因其對社會的有意義的貢獻而獲得了無數獎項和榮譽。北極靈感獎、SSHRC 影響力獎(包括金獎 和 洞察獎)、總督創新獎(2018 年2019 年)以及聯合國氣候解決方案獎只是證明紀念館作為全球性獎項的一部分國家和國際獎項研究型大學。


紀念館的許多附屬人士均獲得 國內和國際認可, 包括:

  • 31位加拿大皇家學會院士
  • 21 名加拿大研究主席
  • 19位加拿大工程院院士
  • 13名加拿大健康科學院院士


紀念大學提供 100 多個學位課程 以及90 多個專業發展課程和證書課程,是加拿大大西洋地區最大的大學之一。

  • 150萬美元的入學獎學金
  • 每年頒發 750 個獎學金
  • 950 萬美元的研究生獎學金和獎學金
  • 16:1 的師生比(加拿大最好的比例之一)
  • 450 多門線上課程
  • 全球 1,600 個有薪實習機會
  • 50 多名羅德學者在紀念館接受教育 


紀念學院的教師因其教學和監督而受到廣泛認可,取得了許多顯著的成就和榮譽,包括9 名3M 教學獎學金得主、5 名大西洋大學協會傑出教師獎得主和2 名東北研究生院協會傑弗裡·馬歇爾指導獎得主獎。



根據加拿大研究生協會的數據,紐芬蘭和拉布拉多省全日制國際碩士和博士生比例是加拿大最高的。 2015年,紀念大學在國際學生晴雨表中研究生院支持類別中位列加拿大大學第一。

  • 來自 110 多個國家的 3,400 多名國際學生。
  • 20%的學生人口是國際學生,近40%的研究生是國際學生
  • 40 多個國家的 125 項交換協議
  • 僅有的兩所在英國設有校區的加拿大大學之一。






創業紀念中心向學生、教職員工開放,幫助促進創業和新想法的發展,提供專案、資金、活動和資源來激勵和支持新創公司。 2019年,MCE被評為全球 五強新興創業中心之一。




Genesis 中心是 Memorial 的具有高成長潛力的技術型企業孵化器, 是加拿大頂級孵化器之一,並於 2011 年被評為加拿大年度孵化器。 ,籌集了7 億美元的資本,創造了6.5 億美元的收入,並創造了2,500 多個就業機會。


導航創業中心 – 科納布魯克

Navigate是格倫菲爾校區、紀念大學和北大西洋學院 (CNA) 科納布魯克校區的合作夥伴。該中心透過其企業孵化器和創客空間為企業家提供支援。位於 CNA 的 Navigate 企業孵化器和位於格倫費爾校區的Navigate Makerspace旨在支持業務多元化,並在該島西海岸創造更強大的創新和創業文化。


Memorial 的創業培訓計畫 (ETP)是加拿大第一個針對有興趣創業的國際研究生的培訓計畫。該計劃涵蓋核心創業主題和技能,例如問題解決和設計學習、精實創業、銷售、行銷和財務規劃。 ETP 已畢業 200 多名學生,並因其在學生服務和職業教育方面的創新而獲得多項國家獎項。



紀念學校在麥克林雜誌2022 年頂級綜合學校類別中排名第 8 。 


泰晤士高等教育 (THE) 世界大學排名採用多類別方法對大學進行排名。整體而言,2022 年紀念大學在全球大學排名中位列601-800 名

在特定學科領域,紀念大學在工程與技術類別中排名前 251-300 名。在生命科學類別中;藝術與人文學科;教育;心理學;物理科學;電腦科學、紀念館排名在前401-500名。在臨床、臨床前和健康、商業和經濟以及社會科學領域,Memorial 名列前 501-600 名。 

2022 年,紀念大學在泰晤士報影響力排名中在全球 1406 所大學中躋身前 101-200 名。這些排名是衡量大學對聯合國永續發展目標 (SDG) 貢獻的唯一評估 。

紀念大學因其在解決水下生命相關問題(目標 14)方面的領導力而躋身全球前 30 名大學之列——排名第 28 位。


目標 4 對優質教育的影響躋身全球前 101-200 名;

目標 5 對性別平等的影響躋身全球前 101-200 名;

目標 9(工業、創新和基礎設施)全球排名第 64;和

目標合作夥伴排名全球前 101-200 名,目標第 17 名。



值得注意的是,作為 2022 年全球學術學科排名的一部分,紀念大學是唯一一所連續第五年躋身世界頂級海洋/海洋工程研究專上院校名單的加拿大大學,全球大學排名第38位。


  • 食品科學與技術專業排名前51-75名。
  • 海洋學排名前 76-100 名;電信工程;和遙感。
  • 政治學全球排名前 101-150 名。
  • 地球科學研究排名前201-300;生態;地理;和法律。
  • 數學專業排名前301-400名;大氣科學;化學工程;計算機科學與工程;電機與電子工程;管理、心理學和工商管理。
  • 環境科學與工程專業排名前401-500名;農業科學;和公共衛生。 
  • 農業科學、臨床醫學與環境科學500強

總體而言,  2022 年 QS 世界大學排名將紀念大學列為全球前 751-800 名大學。 Memorial 2022 年特定學科排名包括:

  • 石油工程排名前 51-100 名
  • 電機與電子工程排名前 351-400。
  • 機械、航空和製造領域排名前 501-520。
  • 數學排名前 451-500 名。
  • 醫學排名前 501-550。



紀念大學有近 10 萬名校友活躍在世界各地,其經濟、社會和文化影響廣泛且深遠。除了在本地和國際上創造財富和繁榮之外,我們的校友還自豪地志願服務並指導在校學生成為明天的領導者。我們的校友包括著名學者、羅德學者、財富 500 強高管、朱諾獎獲獎音樂家、加拿大前國防參謀長、最高法院法官、奧運金牌得主以及著名廣播員和作家。



About Memorial University

As Newfoundland and Labrador’s only university, Memorial has a special obligation to the people of this province. Established as a memorial to the Newfoundlanders who lost their lives on active service during the First World War and subsequent conflicts, Memorial University draws inspiration from these sacrifices of the past as we help to build a better future for our province, our country and our world.

At Memorial University more than 19,000 students from over 115 countries come together to discover. From the classics to advanced technology, Memorial offers certificate, diploma, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs across five campuses and online. A global network of almost 100,000 accomplished alumni throughout the world strengthens Memorial University’s capacity and reputation for leadership in research, teaching and public engagement. Read more fast facts about Memorial University.


Over 40% of Memorial’s research is ocean-related (in just the Faculty of Science it’s 68%). If there’s research happening in the North Atlantic, there’s a high likelihood Memorial University is involved. In fact, Memorial is a partner with the Ocean Frontier Institute, a $220 million collaborative research initiative aimed at harnessing the vast potential of the world’s ocean. Memorial is also part of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, a private sector-led partnership using innovation and commercialization to drive increased sustainable economic growth from our oceans.

As one of the top 20 research universities in Canada, Memorial has more than 30 research centres and received more than $130 million in research funding in 2019-20. Memorial and its funding partners have long believed in investing in talented students and we’re proud to say we have more than 1,500 graduate fellowships and 854 PhD students.

In 2020, 64 Memorial researchers were on the World’s Top 2% Scientists list

Awards & Honours

Memorial’s faculties have been recognized with numerous awards and honours for their meaningful contributions to society. The Arctic Inspiration Prize, SSHRC Impact Awards (including Gold Medal and Insight Award), Governor General’s Innovation Award (2018 and 2019), and the UN’s Climate Solution Award are just a few of the national and international accolades that demonstrate Memorial’s place as a global research university.

Most recently, Memorial was named top challenger in North America by University Business Incubators, and the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship was been recognized as one of the top five emerging entrepreneurship centres in the world.

Many individuals affiliated with Memorial are nationally and internationally recognized including:

  • 31 fellows of the Royal Society of Canada
  • 21 Canada Research Chairs
  • 19 fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
  • 13 fellows of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Teaching & Learning

Offering more than 100 degree programs and over 90 professional development courses and certificate programs, Memorial University is one of the largest universities in Atlantic Canada.

  • $1.5 Million in entrance scholarships
  • 750 scholarships awarded annually
  • $9.5 Million in graduate fellowships and scholarships
  • 16:1 student-faculty ratio (one of the best in Canada)
  • 450+ courses available online
  • 1,600 co-op placements and internships around the world
  • 50+ Rhodes Scholars educated at Memorial 

Memorial offers a number of unique programs including:

Memorial’s faculty are widely recognized for their teaching and supervision, with many notable achievements and honours including nine recipients of 3M Teaching Fellowships, five recipients of the Atlantic Association of Universities’ Distinguished Teacher Award and two recipients of the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools Geoffrey Marshall Mentoring Award.


Memorial is privileged to be able to bring together students, faculty and staff from Canada and other countries, building mutual respect, cultural understanding and meaningful relationships. That’s why Memorial is committed to internationalization, international co-operation, student mobility and cultural sensitivity.

According to the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies, Newfoundland and Labrador has the highest percentage of full-time international master’s and doctoral students in Canada. In 2015, Memorial ranked first among Canadian universities in the International Student Barometer in the category of support from the graduate school.

  • 3,400+international students from 110+ countries.
  • 20% of the student population is international students and nearly 40% of all graduate students are international students
  • 125 exchange agreements in more than 40 countries
  • 1 of only 2 Canadian universities with a campus in the United Kingdom.

Start-up and entrepreneurial culture 

Memorial’s vibrant entrepreneurial culture inspires students, faculty and staff to embrace innovation and challenge convention.

Memorial students have a long history of success in national and international entrepreneurship competitions. In nine of the past 10 years, Memorial has been crowned national champion in annual competitions of Enactus, an international non-profit organization promoting student entrepreneurship. We’re incredibly proud that Memorial is a two-time winner of the Enactus World Cup.

Investing in entrepreneurs and contributing to the development of an attractive entrepreneurial ecosystem within Newfoundland and Labrador, Memorial has three centres dedicated to supporting entrepreneurship:

The Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship

Open to students, faculty and staff to help promote entrepreneurship and the development of new ideas, the Memorial Centre for Entrepreneurship offers programs, funding, events and resources to inspire and support start-ups. In 2019, MCE was recognized as one of the top five emerging entrepreneurship centres in the world. 

The Centre for Social Enterprise

A partnership among the Faculty of Business Administration, the School of Music and the School of Social Work, the Centre for Social Enterprise aims to enhance the quality of the human experience via social enterprise and social innovation.

The Genesis Centre

Memorial’s incubator for technology-based ventures with high-growth potential, the Genesis Centre is one of the top-ranked incubators in Canada and was named Canadian Incubator of the Year in 2011. Since its launch in 1997, Genesis has incubated hundreds of start-up companies, raised $700 million in capital, generated $650 million in revenue and created over 2,500 jobs.

You might recognize some these start-ups:

Navigate Entrepreneurship Centre – Corner Brook

Navigate is a partnership of Grenfell Campus, Memorial University, and the Corner Brook campus of the College of the North Atlantic (CNA). The centre supports entrepreneurs through its business incubator and makerspace. The Navigate Business Incubator, located at CNA, and the Navigate Makerspace, at Grenfell Campus, aim to support business diversification and create a stronger culture of innovation and entrepreneurship on the west coast of the island.

The Entrepreneurship Training Program

Memorial’s Entrepreneurship Training Program (ETP) is a first-in-Canada training program for international graduate students interested in starting a business. The program covers core entrepreneurship themes and skills such as problem solving and design learning, lean start-up, sales, marketing and financial planning. The ETP has graduated over 200 students and has received multiple national awards for innovation in student services and career education.



Memorial ranked 8th in Maclean’s magazine’s top comprehensive schools category for 2022. 

Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings take a multi-category approach to ranking universities. Overall, Memorial ranked within the top 601-800 universities globally, for 2022.

When it comes to specific subject areas, Memorial is ranked in the top 251-300 universities in the category of Engineering and Technology. In the categories of Life Sciences; Arts and Humanities; Education; Psychology; Physical Sciences; and Computer Science, Memorial ranks in the top 401-500. In the areas of Clinical, pre-clinical and health, Business and Economics and Social Sciences, Memorial is in the top 501-600. 

In 2022, Memorial ranked among the top 101-200, out of  1406 global universties, as part of the THE Impact Rankings. These rankings, are the only assesment measuring universities’ contributions to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Memorial ranked among the top 30 universities worldwide for its leadership in addressing issues related to life below water (goal 14) – placing No. 28.

It also placed:

Among the top 101-200 globally for its impact on quality education, Goal No. 4;

Among the top 101-200 globally for its impact on gender equality, Goal No. 5;

No. 64 globally for Goal No. 9, industry, innovation and infrastructure; and

Among the top 101-200 globally for its partnerships for the goals, Goal No. 17.

Shanghai Ranking (Academic Ranking of World Universities )

Memorial University is in the top 601-700 in the world, according to the 2021 Academic Ranking of World Universities, commonly known as the Shanghai Ranking.

Notably, as part of the 2022 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, Memorial is the only Canadian university – for the fifth year in a row – to make the list of the world’s top post-secondary institutions for the study of marine/ocean engineering, placing 38th among global universities ranked.

Memorial also achieved notable rankings in the following subjects:

  • Among the top 51-75 for Food Science and Technology.
  • Top 76-100 in Oceanography; Telecommunications Engineering; and Remote Sensing.
  • Top 101-150 worldwide for Political Sciences.
  • Top 201-300 for the study of Earth Sciences; Ecology; Geography; and Law.
  • Among the top 301-400 for the study of Mathematics; Atmospheric Science; Chemical Engineering; Computer Science and Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Management, Psychology and Business Administration.
  • Among the top 401-500 for the study of Environmental Science and Engineering; Agricultural Sciences; and Public Health. 
  • Top 500 in Agricultural Sciences, Clinical Medicine and Environmental Science

Overall, the 2022 QS World University Ranking placed Memorial in the top 751-800 universities globally. Memorial’s subject-specific rankings for 2022 include:

  • Top 51-100 in Petroleum Engineering
  • Top 351-400 for Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
  • Top 501-520 for Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing.
  • Top 451-500 in Mathematics.
  • Top 501-550 in Medicine.

For more information on university rankings, including Memorial’s performance, visit the Centre for Institutional Analysis and Planning’s website.  


With nearly 100,000 alumni active throughout the world, Memorial’s economic, social and cultural impact is felt far and wide. In addition to generating wealth and prosperity locally and internationally, our alumni proudly volunteer and mentor current students to become leaders of tomorrow. Our ranks of alumni include renowned scholars, Rhodes Scholars, Fortune 500 executives, Juno award-winning musicians, a former chief of defence staff of Canada, a Supreme Court Justice, Olympic gold medalists and notable broadcasters and authors.

Public Engagement

Memorial University encourages and supports collaboration with individuals and groups from the public to develop and execute projects that strengthen the community, advance teaching and learning and uphold Memorial’s mission as a public university. Support is provided through faculties, units and dedicated centres offering programming to help facilitate engagement, as well as with funding and the Public Engagement Framework. Some projects that illustrate the interactions and impacts of Memorial in the community are: