Kingsway College 是一所私立基督教、寄宿、走讀、男女混合高中(9-12 年級)。它位於安大略省奧沙瓦,由基督復臨安息日會擁有和經營。我們的使命是反映耶穌基督並幫助學生為祂服務的準備。我們的課程旨在培養學生的全面發展,重點關注學生的學術、精神、身體和社交方面。
金斯威學院是您可以發展與耶穌基督的個人關係的地方。在這裡,您還可以找到一個精神社區,在您的基督教生活中提升和啟發您。隨著你對他的信心增強,你對他給予你力量去完成任何事情的信心和能力也會增強。約書亞記 1 章 9 節說:「你們要剛強、勇敢。不要害怕;不要灰心,因為無論你往哪裡去,耶和華你的神必與你同在。
Kingsway College is a private, Christian, boarding and day, co-ed high school (Grades 9-12). It is located in Oshawa, Ontario and is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our mission is to reflect Jesus Christ and prepare students for His service. Our program is designed to develop the whole person, focusing on the academic, spiritual, physical, and social aspects of the student.
“Believe, Belong, Become, and Begin again here at Kingsway College.”
Kingsway College is a place where you can develop your personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is also a place where you can find a spiritual community that will uplift and edify you in your Christian walk. As your faith in Him increases, so will your belief and ability to do anything he gives you strength to accomplish with confidence. Joshua 1:9 says: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”