Kensington Park School

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School, 寄宿學校 Boarding School



7、8 和 9 年級的學生學習廣泛的學術科目,使他們能夠在升入高中時就 GCSE 選項做出明智的選擇。所有 7、8 和 9 年級的學生還將參加按年級教授的 PSHE 以及我們的體育和遊戲課程。每個年級每週都會有一個下午以上的比賽。


7 年級和 8 年級



九年級時,學生開始磨練自己的科目,為 GCSE 的學習做準備。學生繼續學習英語、數學和電腦等核心科目,但現在分別學習這三門經典科學。學生從 9 年級開始學習 iGCSE 生物、化學和物理,以便有充足的時間進行實際調查。學生還被要求從人文學科中選擇一門學科、一門現代外語和一門創意藝術學科。學生可以從可用選項中自由選擇剩餘的三門科目。這些可能包括從 9 年級開始引入的西班牙和古典文明。

GCSE 課程旨在提供學術廣度和嚴謹性,不僅幫助學生在考試中取得成功,而且讓他們在六年級時就科目選擇做出明智的決定。

為期兩年的 GCSE 課程從 10 年級開始,為學生升讀 A Level 課程奠定了堅實的學術基礎。學生通常學習 9 年級春季學習的十個科目。所有學生都學習數學、英語語言和英國文學的核心科目、一門現代語言以及選自生物、化學、物理和電腦科學的三門科學科目。學生選擇另外三門科目,其中可能包括第四門科學;第二現代語言;創意藝術科目;另一個人文學科;或商業研究,僅從 10 年級開始提供。

我們的快速 GCSE 課程使學生能夠在一年內修讀 5 門 GCSE 科目,並獲得升讀 A Level 所需的資格。

KPS 的一年制 GCSE 課程主要為 15 或 16 歲首次過渡到英國教育體系的國際學生設計。然而,該課程也適合希望從其他學校轉學或重新參加 GCSE 考試以取得最佳成績的英國學生。

課程結構嚴密,使學生不僅能夠在一年內完成 GCSE 考試,而且還能培養在大學 A Level 課程及其他課程中蓬勃發展所需的學術技能。小班授課確保 OYG 學生得到高度的個人關注和支持,並且全年都會仔細監控他們的進步。



A level 課程是一門重點學習課程,在位於 Queen’s Gate 進行,學生們將由 A level 科目專家以小班授課。

在 12 年級和 13 年級,學生參加為期兩年的 A level 課程,在此期間深入學習三到四門科目。許多學生會在 12 年級開始學習四門科目,然後在 13 年級繼續學習三門科目。由於沒有固定的科目組合或選項區塊,A-level學生可以受益於圍繞他們的科目選擇構建的個性化時間表,並且可以從廣泛的學科中進行選擇,包括許多GCSE未提供的新科目。

六年級的平均班級人數為 6 至 8 人(每組最多 10 人),不僅確保 A 級學生獲得高度的個人關注和支持,而且促進正規課程範圍之外的學術討論和辯論。經驗豐富的 A 級學科專家(其中許多人也是考官)幫助學生培養成為成功的終身學習者所需的獨立學習、批判性思維和研究技能。常規 EPP(考試練習論文)也有助於縮小 GCSE 和 A Level 之間的差距,而包括 EPQ(擴展專案資格)、論文競賽和獨立研究專案在內的擴展課程則提供了進一步的延伸和挑戰。

參加 KPS 12 年級和 13 年級的學生可以從以下 A level 科目中進行選擇:


  • 藝術、工藝與設計
  • 生物學
  • 商業研究
  • 古典文明
  • 化學
  • 電腦科學
  • 戲劇和戲劇
  • 經濟學
  • 英國文學
  • 法語
  • 進階數學
  • 地理
  • 政府與政治
  • 歷史
  • 拉丁
  • 數學
  • 音樂
  • 哲學
  • 物理
  • 體育
  • 心理學
  • 社會學
  • 西班牙語

KPS 的 12 年級和 13 年級學生受益於獨特的大學預科經歷,為課堂之外的生活做好準備。我們全面的大學和職業計劃從 12 年級開始,確保學生對自己的未來做出明智的決定,而我們廣泛的六年級課外活動和強化計劃為學生的智力、身體、文化和社會發展提供了機會。

我們的專家顧問團隊與學生密切合作,確保他們在 KPS 旅程的每個階段做出明智的決定。


我們的大學和職業計劃從高中開始 ,指導學生根據未來的目標選擇 GCSE 和 A Level 科目的最佳組合。這個過程在 12 年級和 13 年級繼續認真進行 ,導師在幫助學生選擇可用的高等教育選擇方面發揮關鍵作用。導師根據學生在招生面試中確定的學術興趣和抱負進行分配,並為 UCAS 申請過程的各個方面提供個性化指導,從選擇本科課程和大學,到撰寫個人陳述和麵試練習。在六年級期間,導師每兩週與學生進行一對一的會面,繼續為 13 年級的學生提供支持,幫助他們做出大學錄取決定、準備 A Level 考試以及探索空檔年機會。

此外,高等教育團隊在 12 年級夏季學期舉辦了一系列重點研討會和活動,為 UCAS 和個人陳述的學生提供支援。所有學生還將參加 UCAS Discovery Day,在那裡他們將與英國大學的代表會面,並參加學科相關的研討會。對於申請美國和其他國際大學、牛津、劍橋或醫學課程的學生,我們還提供額外的準備課程,包括面試技巧以及如何準備專業入學考試(如 BMAT、UKCAT、TSA 和 SAT)的課程。

每年,KPS 的學生都能成功獲得英國及其他地區眾多大學的有競爭力的本科課程錄取通知書。 



Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to promote intellectual curiosity and creativity, and foster a lifelong love of learning.

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 study a wide range of academic subjects, allowing them to make informed choices regarding their GCSE options as they move up through the senior school. All students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will also take part in PSHE, which is taught by year group, and in our Physical Education and Games programme. Games take place over one afternoon per week for each year group.


Years 7 and 8

In Years 7 and 8, all students study English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, French, Mandarin, Latin, Art, Drama, Music, and Computing.

Year 9

In Year 9, students begin to hone down their subjects in preparation for their studies at GCSE. Students continue with the core subjects of English, Mathematics, and Computing, but now study the three classical sciences separately. Students begin their iGCSE studies in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics in Year 9 to allow plenty of time for practical investigation. Students are additionally asked to select one subject from the Humanities, one Modern Foreign Language, and one Creative Arts subject. Students are free to choose their remaining three subjects from the options available. These may include Spanish and Classical Civilisation, which are introduced from Year 9.

The GCSE curriculum is designed to provide both academic breadth and rigour, preparing students not only for success in their examinations, but to make informed decisions about their subject choices in the Sixth Form.

The two-year GCSE programme, which begins in Year 10, provides students with a strong academic foundation from which to progress onto A levels. Students typically study ten subjects which are selected for study in the spring of Year 9.  Our GCSE courses are a mixture of GCSE and IGCSE to provide the most engaging and academically stimulating curriculum. All students study the core subjects of Mathematics, English Language and English Literature, one Modern Language, and three Science subjects selected from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science. Students choose a further three subjects which may include a fourth Science; a second Modern Language; a Creative Arts subject; another Humanities subject; or Business Studies, which is only available from Year 10.

Our fast-track GCSE programme enables students to take five GCSE subjects in one year only, and achieve the qualifications required to progress onto A levels.

The One-Year GCSE programme at KPS is primarily designed for international students aged 15 or 16 who are transitioning to the UK education system for the first time. However, the programme is also suitable for UK students wishing to transfer from other schools or retake their GCSEs to achieve the best results.

The course is highly structured, enabling students to not only complete their GCSEs in one year, but to develop the academic skills needed to flourish on the A level programme and beyond at university. Small class sizes ensure OYG students receive a high degree of individual attention and support, and that their progress is carefully monitored throughout the year.



A focused course of study, the A level programme takes place in our dedicated Sixth Form on Queen’s Gate, where students are taught in small class sizes by A level subject specialists.

In Years 12 and 13, students undertake the two-year A level programme, during which they study three or four subjects in depth. Many students will start with four subjects in Year 12 before continuing with three subjects in Year 13. Students are guided to select the best combination of subjects depending on their strengths and interests, as well as their university and career aspirations. With no set subject combinations or option blocks, A level students benefit from a personalised timetable built around their subject choices, and can choose from a wide range of disciplines, including many new subjects not offered at GCSE.

Average class sizes of 6 to 8 in the Sixth Form (with a maximum of 10 per group) not only ensure A level students receive a high degree of individual attention and support, but facilitate academic discussion and debate beyond the confines of the formal curriculum. Experienced A level subject specialists, many of whom are also examiners, help students to develop the independent learning, critical thinking, and research skills they need to become successful lifelong learners. Regular EPPs (Exam Practice Papers) additionally help to bridge the gap between GCSE and A level, while an extended curriculum, which includes the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), essay competitions, and independent research projects, provides further stretch and challenge.

Students joining KPS Sixth Form can choose from the following A level subjects:


  • Art, Craft and Design
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Classical Civilisation
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Drama and Theatre
  • Economics
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Further Mathematics
  • Geography
  • Government and Politics
  • History
  • Latin
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Physical Education
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Spanish

Sixth Form students at KPS benefit from a unique pre-university experience which prepares them for life beyond the classroom. Our comprehensive university and careers programme, which starts in Year 12, ensures students make informed decisions about their future, while our broad-ranging Sixth Form co-curricular and enrichment programme provides opportunities for students’ intellectual, physical, cultural, and social development.

Our specialist team of advisors work closely with students to ensure they make informed decisions at every stage of their journey at KPS.


Our University and Careers programme starts in the Senior School as pupils are guided to select the best combination of GCSE and A level subjects depending on their future goals. The process continues in earnest in the Sixth Form, and tutors play a key role in helping students navigate the higher education options available to them. Tutors are assigned on the basis of students’ academic interests and ambitions as identified during their admissions interview, and provide individualised guidance on all aspects of the UCAS application process, from selecting undergraduate courses and universities, to writing the personal statement and interview practice. Tutors meet with their tutees fortnightly on a one-to-one basis throughout their time in the Sixth Form, continuing to support students in Year 13 as they make decisions on university offers, prepare for their A level examinations, and explore gap year opportunities.

In addition, the Higher Education team delivers a series of focused workshops and events during the summer term of Year 12 to support students with UCAS and the personal statement. All students will also attend a UCAS Discovery Day where they will meet representatives from UK universities and attend subject related seminars.  For those students applying for US and other international universities, Oxbridge, or Medicine courses, additional preparation classes are provided, including sessions on interview skills and how to prepare for specialist entrance tests, such as the BMAT, UKCAT, TSA, and SATs.

Every year, KPS students are successful in securing offers for competitive undergraduate courses at a wide range of universities, in the UK and beyond.