自成立以來,KCS 一直致力於成為一所學術優秀的學校。對某些人來說,衡量一所學校是否「學術優秀」的最簡單標準是它在標準化考試中的表現——例如不列顛哥倫比亞省的年度省級考試。按照這項標準,KCS 已經並將繼續成為該省實力最強的學校之一,並且逐年成長。
卓越是我們學校的核心價值觀,但我們不僅僅意味著高考試成績。我們的意思是學生應該努力做得好,並透過鼓勵和參與在不斷進步的過程中實現個人最好的成績。 KCS 的卓越意味著我們推動自己和我們的學生盡最大努力不斷進步。
在 KCS,我們尋找的不僅僅是受過良好教育、努力過道德生活的學生(儘管這聽起來是一個相當令人欽佩的目標)。我們希望畢業生真正與眾不同——與眾不同。人們以不同的方式看待世界並做出不同的反應。人們在周圍尋求上帝的傑作並渴望實現他的目的。最終,我們相信教學和教育是變革性的。在課堂上,透過教學設計原則等,我們力求讓學習成為學生充分參與自身成長的機會。
我們 KCS 的教學總監 Kristi Cooper 喜歡給出並且我們喜歡在課堂上看到的一個很好的建議,就是向學生介紹「yet」這個詞。請在她的部落格「培養孩子的成長心態」中了解更多相關資訊。
Since it’s inception, KCS has been committed to being an academically excellent school. For some, the simplest measure of whether a school is ‘academically excellent’ is how it does on standardized tests – such as BC’s annual provincial exams. By this measure, KCS has and continues to be one of the strongest schools in the province, increasing year over year.
We believe that things like strong provincial exam scores are a consequence of our core mission – not its purpose. We exist as a school to educate and inspire our students to become disciples of Jesus who make a difference.
Excellence is a core value of our school, but we don’t just mean high test scores. We mean students should strive to do well, and through encouragement and engagement achieve their personal best in a process of continuous improvement. Excellence at KCS means we push ourselves and our students to keep getting better using our best effort.
At KCS, we aren’t seeking simply well educated students who try to live moral lives (although that sounds like a pretty admirable goal). We desire graduates who are truly different – who are peculiar. People who see and respond to the world differently. People who seek God’s handiwork all around them and desire to accomplish His purposes. Ultimately, we believe in teaching and education that is transformational. In the classroom, through things like our Design Principles for Teaching and Learning we seek to make learning an opportunity for students to fully engage in their own growth.
One great piece of advice that Kristi Cooper, our KCS Director of Teaching and Learning, loves to give and we love to see in the classroom, is to introduce students to the word “yet”. Read more about this in her blog “Developing Growth Mindsets in Our Children”.