International School of Creative Arts(ISCA)

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School, 寄宿學校 Boarding School, 網上課程 Online Program





這些科目將在第二年結束時升入 A Level。

  • 美術
  • 圖文傳播
  • 時裝及紡織品
  • 3D設計

還必須選擇第三個科目,這將在第二年結束時獲得 A Level 資格。

  • 藝術史:批判與背景研究

英語程度很弱的學生將免選第三科目。相反,他們將學習 英語作為外語 (EFL) 課程,以確保他們達到升讀大學所需的英語水平。



在第二年,學生繼續學習第一年選擇的三門科目,以便為參加 5 月的 A Level 考試做好準備。

預計到 第二年開始時 ,學生已經能夠證明大學入學所需的英語程度(通常雅思總分為 6.0 分,四個部分各不低於 5.5 分)。

除了為 A Level 考試做準備外,二年級學生還需要努力爭取進入大學的機會。這包括制定合適的作品集和個人陳述,為他們選擇的大學的面試做準備。

所有二年級學生每週有一天在中央聖馬丁學院參加創意實踐計畫 (CPP)。該課程是 A Level 學習以外的課程。


該計畫適用於第二年直接加入 ISCA 的學生。

到今年年底,學生將建立一個內容和演示相適應的作品集,以便他們能夠學習藝術和設計學科的大學水平課程。他們還將完成藝術、工藝和設計方面的 A 級課程,以確保奠定安全和廣泛的藝術和設計技能基礎。

作品集學生也每週有一天在中央聖馬丁學院參加 UAL 創意實踐計畫。課程是 Portfolio + A Level 課程的補充,由 CSM 導師授課。



藝術、工藝和設計 (ACD) A Level 奠定了技術和關鍵技能的基礎,為學生提供了透過兩個途徑(即兩個科目)共同擴展對藝術和設計的理解的機會。這是二年級作品集學生課程的必修部分,構成了跨學科專業領域所使用的核心藝術和設計技能的基礎。

ACD A Level 讓學生培養藝術和設計領域的多個興趣領域。該課程教授學生基本的藝術和設計方法、流程和意識形態,同時為準備學習聯合榮譽、基礎或更通用學位課程的學生提供更廣泛的作品集。


預 A 級(2 級)

CAP 為 15 歲的學生提供體驗優秀英國藝術和設計教學的獨特機會。學生能夠透過參與藝術家和設計師的作品、材料、流程和技術來加深對藝術和設計的理解。在一系列專業藝術和設計領域教授紮實的基礎技能,學生完成的工作可以獲得劍橋技術二級資格。

CAP 在支持性教育環境中提倡批判性思考和解決問題的創意方法。這個增強的程式也將數學和科學思維的元素融入藝術和設計過程中。語言技能也透過個人化的英語教學得到發展。

課程旨在幫助學生為升讀 A Level 課程做好準備。它專門針對 15 歲對藝術有濃厚興趣並正在考慮在美術、時尚紡織品、平面設計、3D 設計或批判性和情境研究等領域進一步學習的學生。它可以被視為 ISCA 擴展課程的第一步。


SEG 獎項 ABC 3 級

ISCA 藝術、設計和媒體基礎文憑是一項線上預科課程,為國際學生提供體驗出色的藝術和設計教育的特殊機會,為大學學習做好準備。因此,該預科課程體現了 ISCA 在培養富有創造力的年輕人升入英國和海外藝術與設計大學方面的豐富經驗。

ISCA 的線上預科文憑為國際學生提供快速大學入學通道



A Level Programme

Year 1

In Year 1 students choose the three subjects they wish to carry forward to the end of Year 2. The first two weeks of the Autumn term are designed to help students familiarise themselves with the choice of subjects before they make a decision.

The subjects will lead to A Levels at the end of Year 2. The options are as follows:

  • Fine Art
  • Graphic Communication
  • Fashion and Textiles
  • 3D Design

A third subject must also be chosen, which will lead to an A Level qualification at the end of Year 2.

  • History of Art : Critical & Contextual Studies

Students who are very weak in English will be exempt from choosing a third subject. Instead, they will follow an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) programme to ensure that they achieve the level of English required for progression to university.

All Year 1 students complete a Personal and Professional Planning (PPP) programme aimed at developing the study skills and habits required for successful undergraduate-level study in Art and Design.

Year 2

In Year 2, students continue with the three subjects that they chose in Year 1 in order to be ready to sit the A Level examinations in May.

It is expected that by the start of Year 2, students can already demonstrate the level of English required for university entry (usually an overall IELTS score of 6.0, with a minimum of 5.5 in each of the four components).

As well as preparing for their A Levels, Year 2 students need to work hard at securing a place at university. This involves developing a suitable portfolio of work and a personal statement in preparation for an interview with the university of their choice.

All Year 2 students attend the Creative Practice Programme (CPP) one day a week at Central Saint Martins . This programme is in addition to A Level study.

Portfolio Programme

This programme is available to students who join ISCA directly in Year 2. They already have the academic qualification needed for university but lack the body of art work required to access undergraduate study in the creative arts.

By the end of the year the student will have built up a portfolio of work, suitable in content and presentation to allow them to access a university-level course in an art and design subject. They will also complete an A level in Art, Craft and Design to ensure a secure and broad foundation of art and design skills.

Portfolio students also attend the UAL Creative Practices Programme one day a week at Central Saint Martins. This programme is in addition to the Portfolio + A Level programme and is delivered by CSM tutors.

Art, Craft and Design

A Level

The Art, Craft and Design (ACD) A Level forms a foundation of technical and critical skills to provide students with the opportunity to extend their understanding of art and design through two pathways (i.e. two subjects) together. This is a compulsory part of the curriculum for second year portfolio students and forms the basis of core art and design skills to be utilised across subject specialist areas.

The ACD A Level allows students to develop several areas of interest within art and design. The course teaches students fundamental art and design methods, processes and ideologies whilst allowing broader portfolio building for students who are preparing to study joint honours, foundation or more generic degree courses.

CAP (Creative Arts Programme)

Pre A Level (Level 2)

CAP offers students aged 15 a unique opportunity to experience excellent UK art and design teaching. Students are able to develop their understanding of art and design through engagement with the work of artists and designers, materials, processes and techniques. Solid foundation skills are taught across a range of specialist art and design areas and students complete work that can lead to a qualification for the Level 2 Cambridge Technicals.

CAP promotes a creative approach to critical thinking and problem solving in a supportive educational environment. This enhanced programme also incorporates elements of mathematical and scientific thinking within the art and design process. Linguistic skills are also developed through personalised English tuition.

The Programme is designed to prepare students for progression to the A Level Programme. It is specifically for students aged 15 who have a strong interest in the arts and are considering further study in areas such as fine art, fashion textiles, graphic design, 3D design or critical and contextual studies. It can be seen as a first step to an extended course at ISCA.

Foundation Diploma in Art, Design and Media

SEG Awards ABC Level 3

The Foundation Diploma in Art, Design and Media at ISCA is an online pre-degree programme offering international students the special opportunity to experience an outstanding art and design education in preparation for university study. As such, this Foundation course reflects ISCA’s wealth of experience in preparing creative young people to progress to art and design universities in the UK and overseas.

ISCA’s online Foundation Diploma fast tracks university entry for international students