Immaculata Regional High School

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School



我們是一所 8-12 年級的獨立天主教高中,為中奧肯那根服務。我們的平均入學人數為 240 名學生,形成小班授課和緊密的社區。我們的員工由經驗豐富的退伍軍人和新畢業的教師組成,他們都選擇在天主教學校任教,分享他們的信仰並支持我們的年輕人。我們歡迎來自各種宗教背景的學生,並邀請他們參與我們的天主教傳統。

從我們的願景宣言:「Immaculata:培養卓越的家庭」開始,我們將我們的學生、教職員工和家庭視為大家庭的一部分。老師知道所有學生的名字,找出他們的兄弟姊妹是誰,並了解他們的父母。學生知道工作人員可以為他們提供學術、精神和情感支持。我們有以前的學生選擇返回 Immaculata 作為教師,繼續他們在學校的旅程。 

我們已經有幾代家庭選擇參加 Immaculata,以便以前學生的孩子能夠享受與他們相同的經歷。


About Us

A Family That Fosters Excellence

Welcome To Immaculata, Welcome To The Family.
We are a Grade 8-12  independent Catholic high school serving the Central Okanagan. Our average enrollment is 240 students, making for small classes and a close community. Our staff is made up of a range of seasoned veterans to newly graduated teachers who all choose to teach in a Catholic school to share their faith and support our youth. We welcome students from all religious backgrounds and invite them to participate in our Catholic traditions.

Right from our vision statement: “Immaculata: A Family that Fosters Excellence”, we identify our students, staff and families as all part of an extended family. Teachers know all of the students by their first names, figure out who their siblings are and get to know their parents. Students know that the staff is available to them for academic, spiritual, and emotional support. We have had former students choose to return to Immaculata as teachers to continue their journey with the school. 

We have had generations of families choose to attend Immaculata so that children of former students can enjoy the same experience that they enjoyed.