聖名瑪麗學院學校 (HNMCS) 是一所私立天主教女子學校,招收 5 至 12 年級的女生。學校由兩位天主教教育的偶像費利西安修女會和巴西利安神父會創辦,坐落在大多倫多地區密西沙加風景如畫的 25 英畝校園內。聖瑪麗學院學校提供高成就的大學預科課程,透過塑造他們的思想和感動他們的心靈來引導聰明、好奇和專注的學生。透過支持、鼓勵和培育關係之間的獨特平衡,HNMCS 幫助學生以韌性和強大的道德指南來應對不斷變化的世界的挑戰和不確定性。
獨特的卓越學術成就,專注於 21 世紀的能力,與體育、藝術、戶外教育、課外活動和領導經驗相結合,為女孩提供了無數受啟發和利用她們的聲音的參與機會。這是一所以卓越著稱的學校,它激發了學生的體驗,並在學術成就文化中頌揚每個女孩的獨特性,建立自信並賦予女孩成為有影響力的變革領導者的能力。
聖瑪麗學院學校透過提供以學術、文化和社區服務為導向的旅行訪問國際目的地的機會,增強文化理解。學生有機會參觀加拉巴哥群島、亞馬遜雨林、印度和紐約,並從體驗式學習機會中受益。我們的全球計畫是我們課堂重點的延續:培養在 21 世紀全球化市場中取得成功所需的技能、態度和行為。
Holy Name of Mary College School (HNMCS) is an independent Catholic school for girls in grades 5-12. Established by the Felician Sisters & the Basilian Fathers, two icons of Catholic education, the school is set on a picturesque 25 acre campus in Mississauga, in the Greater Toronto Area. Holy Name of Mary College School provides a high achieving, university preparatory programme to guide bright, curious and dedicated students by shaping their minds and touching their hearts. With a distinctive balance of support, encouragement, and nurturing relationships HNMCS prepares students to meet the challenges and uncertainties of a changing world with resiliency and a strong moral compass.
A unique tapestry of academic excellence, focused on 21st Century competencies, combined with athletics, arts, outdoor education, co-curricular activities and leadership experiences, provides countless engaging opportunities for girls to be inspired and leverage their voices. It is a school distinguished by excellence that invigorates the student experience and celebrates the uniqueness of every girl in a culture of academic achievement that builds self confidence and empowers girls to become influential leaders of change.