布羅克維爾被譽為“千島之城”,位於聖勞倫斯河北岸,距離紐約州莫里斯敦僅有很短的車程,大約在東邊的安大略省康沃爾郡和西邊的金斯頓之間。富爾福德學院距離首都渥太華約 1 小時車程,距離蒙特婁 2 小時車程,距離多倫多 3 小時車程。
它是安大略省最古老的歐洲-加拿大社區之一,以英國將軍艾薩克·布洛克爵士的名字命名。布羅克維爾人口略多於 23,000 人,是一個和平、田園詩般的社區,適合年輕人學習和成長。
Known as the “City of the 1000 Islands”, Brockville is located on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River and a short drive from Morristown, New York, about halfway between Ontario’s Cornwall to the east and Kingston to the west. Fulford Academy is approximately a one-hour drive to the national capital of Ottawa, 2 hours to Montreal, and 3 hours to Toronto.
It is one of Ontario’s oldest European-Canadian communities and is named after the British General Sir Isaac Brock. Brockville has a population of just over 23,000 people and is a peaceful and idyllic community for young people to learn and grow.
Welcome to the heart of Fulford Academy, where learning and living harmonize to create a supportive, diverse, and exciting home away from home for our students. Our boarding program is designed to ensure that every student feels safe, supported, and empowered to thrive in both their academic and personal pursuits.