Fieldstone Day School/Fieldstone King’s College School

Co-education, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 中學/高中 High School

Fieldstone 是一個熱情且包容的社區。

Fieldstone 是一所獨特的男女同校、非宗派學校,加拿大和國際學生在這裡受到激勵,取得偉大成就。在我們豐富和培育的環境中,菲爾德斯通的學生透過學業、課外活動和社交方面的成功建立自尊。我們的關懷和耐心的方法確保每個學生都有機會變得快樂、有生產力和成功。

該學校成立於 1997 年,當時是一所 K-6 學校,共有 8 名學生,位於多倫多市中心一座教堂的地下室。從那時起,一群充滿熱情和忠誠的專業人士為數百名學生及其家庭提供了卓越的學術成就和卓越的學校社區。目前,Fieldstone King’s College School 和 Fieldstone Day School 是超過 300 名學生的學術之家。

Fieldstone 目前位於多倫多北部佔地 6.4 英畝的寬敞校園。這座佔地 47,000 平方英尺的建築三層樓設有寬敞的教室。 9-12 年級的班級使用三樓的教室和科學實驗室,以及一樓的藝術工作室、自助餐廳和體育館。






Fieldstone Day School 一直以其獨特的課程方法而聞名。我們的課程不斷發展成為一個豐富的課程,取材自多個來源的最佳和最相關的方面:劍橋小學課程、安大略省教育部小學課程、核心知識、AIM 法語課程 (K-5)、和劍橋中學I(中學)。 2015 年新推出的幼兒園至 8 年級所有年級的英語、數學和科學課程將完全基於劍橋課程;社會研究將結合核心知識和安大略省課程的各個方面;法語和其他專業將深受安大略省計劃的影響,並視情況包括核心知識的各個方面。劍橋小學(幼兒園至 5 年級)和劍橋中學 I(6 至 8 年級)是針對全球教育背景而設計的全面、富有挑戰性和動態的英語、科學和數學課程。 Fieldstone 的學生學習世界各地成千上萬其他孩子所學習的內容,並且在課程過程中定期接受測試。五年級和八年級的學生參加由劍橋大學評估的標準化檢查點考試。劍橋教育培養自信、負責、善於反思、創新和投入的學生,這些品質與 Fieldstone 的環境完美契合。

Fieldstone King’s College School(9 至 12 年級)的使命是在充滿關懷和支持的學習環境中提供刺激且豐富的學術課程。


Fieldstone is a welcoming and inclusive community.

Fieldstone is a unique co-educational, non-denominational school where Canadian and International students are inspired to achieve great things. In our enriching and nurturing environment, Fieldstone students build self-esteem through academic, co-curricular and social successes. Our caring and patient approach ensures that each student is given the opportunity to become happy, productive and successful.

The school began in 1997 as a K-6 school of 8 students in the basement of a church in mid-town Toronto. Since that time, a group of passionate and committed professionals has provided excellence in academics and an exceptional school community to hundreds of students and their families. At present, Fieldstone King’s College School and Fieldstone Day School are the academic homes to over 300 students.

Fieldstone is now located on a spacious 6.4 acre campus in North Toronto. The 47,000 square foot building is equipped with spacious classrooms on three floors. Grades 9-12 classes use the third floor classrooms and science laboratories, as well as the arts studios, cafeteria, and gymnasium on the first floor.

Outside the building, our students enjoy large athletic fields, manicured gardens (we even have a student horticultural club), and a mini-amphitheater that can be used for classes in warmer weather.

We encourage you to visit the school to tour our campus in person.