Fairleigh Dickinson U-Vancouver Campus(FDU-V)

大學 University, 大學預備班 University Foundation
Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 (本科學位), Certificate, Diploma, Graduate program, Master's Degree 碩士學位, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)




費爾利狄金森大學(FDU) 以其使命、願景和核心價值為基礎,致力於創造和培養一個多元化、公平和包容的校園環境,促進學生、教職員工、行政人員和校友之間的相互尊重和理解。

FDU 擁護思想開放、思想多元化和文化表達的文化。大學鼓勵多種觀點來豐富大學社區的教育經驗。 FDU 強調透過培養 FDU 社群成員之間相互尊重的溝通來理解文化體驗和觀點。

大學致力於確保學生、教職員工、行政人員和校友在全球環境中實現個人和職業發展,以挑戰和拒絕種族分歧、偏見、系統特權和壓迫。為此,FDU 不容忍基於種族、宗教、性別認同/表達、性取向、性別、能力狀況、年齡、國籍和社會經濟階層的歧視或偏見。


菲爾萊·狄金森大學由 Peter Sammartino 博士和他的妻子 Sylvia(Sally)於 1942 年創立,現已發展成為新澤西州最大的私立大學。如今,該大學位於新澤西州北部的兩個校區以及位於英格蘭羅克斯頓和加拿大溫哥華的國際校區招收了來自 32 個州和 72 個國家的 11,500 多名學生。費爾利狄金森學院最初是一所兩年制專科學校,後來於 1948 年將課程擴展為四年制,以滿足新澤西州北部對高等教育的需求。 1954年,開設了第一個研究生課程,即工商管理碩士學位,並購買了卑爾根初級學院作為第二個校區,即現在的大都會校區。 1956 年,費爾利狄金森大學獲得大學地位,一年後,麥迪遜收購了佔地178 英畝的范德比爾特-托姆布里莊園,作為第三個校區,即現在的弗洛勒姆校區。

FDU 從牛津大學三一​​學院收購了羅克斯頓學院,成為第一所在英國擁有校園的美國大學。羅克斯頓學院成立於 1965 年,為美國學生提供研究生和本科課程以及豐富的文化體驗。羅克斯頓學院 (Wroxton College) 前身是一座 13 世紀的修道院,現在是一座經過精心修復的現代化詹姆士一世時期宅邸。 2007 年,FDU 在加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華市的設施中開始上課。

FDU 始終致力於拓寬全球視野並促進國際理解。 2000 年,董事會通過了 FDU 的一項重點使命:透過全球教育培養學生成為世界公民。


如今,FDU 提供 100 多個副學士、學士、碩士和博士級別的學位課程。費爾利狄金森大學提供廣泛的課程,加上其教師的深度和專業知識,已準備好為新澤西州及其他地區的公民提供服務。


Fairleigh Dickinson University is a center of academic excellence dedicated to the preparation of world citizens through global education. The University strives to provide students with the multi-disciplinary, intercultural, and ethical understandings necessary to participate, lead, and prosper in the global marketplace of ideas, commerce, and culture.



Fundamental to its mission, vision, and core values, Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) is committed to creating and nurturing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus environment that fosters mutual respect and understanding among students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni.

FDU embraces a culture of open mindedness, diversity of thought, and cultural expression. The University encourages multiple perspectives to enrich the educational experience for the University community. FDU emphasizes understanding cultural experiences and perspectives by cultivating respectful communication among members of the FDU community.

The University is focused on ensuring that students, faculty, staff, administration, and alumni thrive personally and professionally in a global environment in order to challenge and reject racial divisiveness, prejudice, systemic privilege, and oppression. To this end, FDU does not tolerate discrimination or bias based on race, religion, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, sex, ability status, age, nationality, and socioeconomic class.


Founded in 1942 by Dr. Peter Sammartino and his wife, Sylvia (Sally), Fairleigh Dickinson University has grown into the largest private university in New Jersey. Today, more than 11,500 students from 32 states and 72 countries are enrolled on the University’s two campuses in northern New Jersey and its international campuses in Wroxton, England and Vancouver, Canada. Beginning as a two-year junior college, Fairleigh Dickinson expanded to a four-year curriculum in 1948 to fill the need for higher education in northern New Jersey. In 1954, the first graduate program, a master’s degree in business administration, was offered, and Bergen Junior College was purchased as a second campus, now Metropolitan Campus. In 1956, Fairleigh Dickinson gained University status and, one year later, the 178-acre Vanderbilt-Twombly estate was acquired in Madison to serve as a third campus, now Florham Campus.

FDU became the first American university to own a campus in England when it acquired Wroxton College from Trinity College, Oxford University. Opened in 1965, Wroxton College offers American students graduate and undergraduate courses as well as an enriching cultural experience. Formerly a 13th-century abbey, Wroxton College is now a beautifully restored and modernized Jacobean mansion. In 2007, FDU commenced classes at facilities in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

FDU has maintained its commitment to broadening global horizons and fostering greater international understanding. In 2000, the Board of Trustees adopted a focused mission for FDU: to prepare students for world citizenship through global education.

Each of the University campuses has a unique character and vitality. Students benefit from studying at a comprehensive university that offers a wide range of programs and courses, but they also enjoy an atmosphere of warmth and personal attention usually found at much smaller institutions.

Today, FDU offers over 100 degree programs at the associate, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral levels. Its wide range of offerings, coupled with the depth and expertise of its faculty, has Fairleigh Dickinson University poised to serve the citizens of New Jersey and beyond.