(一年制 GCSE 有時被稱為國際過渡年 – “ITY”)
大多數 GCSE (ITY) 學生透過參加五次 GCSE 考試來結束學年。其中包括英語、數學、雙科學獎、一門人文學科和他們自己的語言。這些考試是國際認可的資格。
對於 15 歲以上的國際學生來說,這是一個很好的資格。完成 GCSE 課程後,學生可升讀 A-level 課程、 商業文憑或國際文憑課程 (IB)。
有時,家庭會希望他們的孩子在兩年內完成 GCSE 內容。這為學生提供了首先提高語言能力、適應英國課程要求、鞏固學習的機會,然後在第二年末提高 GCSE 考試成績。
為什麼選擇在 Earlscliffe 學習 GCSE?
我們的小班制和支持性教學環境使學生能夠在短短一年內完成 5 次 GCSE 考試。該資格在世界各地得到高度認可。 GCSE 使 Earlscliffe 的學生處於非常有利的位置,可以繼續接受進一步教育,並隨後進入大學及更高層次。
其他來自海外的學生更喜歡參加 Earlscliffe GCSE (ITY),作為 遠離自己教育體系的體驗年。英國的學習方式與他們的本土課程相比是一個令人愉快的變化,他們充分融入英國寄宿學校生活。在為期一年的課程結束時,他們在學業和情感上都得到了成長。
A-level 課程
憑藉多年的 A 級教育經驗,我們支持學生取得最好的成績,並進入 他們選擇的大學。
A-level 課程為期兩年,期末外部考試於第二年年底的 5 月和 6 月舉行。外部考試委員會於八月中旬公佈結果。我們的 A-level 教學嚴謹而密集:我們每週為每個主要科目分配九節課(6 小時 45 分鐘)。
Earlscliffe 的學生通常會選擇 A-level 的四科。這四個科目之一通常是學生自己的語言。
A-level 是英國政府監管的國家資格
對於已完成本國正式中學畢業證書或資格的學生,我們可以提供大學預科課程 (UFY),為他們在英國一些最好的大學的英國本科生活做好充分準備。
厄爾斯克利夫大學預科課程 (UFY) 獲得 NCFE的正式認可。
在課程開始日期之前的 9 月 1 日之前,學生必須年滿 17 歲。在開始課程之前,學生必須正式達到雅思 5.0 的最低英語語言程度。申請人必須參加我們特定途徑的入學考試。
Earlscliffe 大學預科課程為學生提供多種選擇途徑:STEM、BEM、人文或創意藝術。每條途徑都以嚴肅的學術內容和評估為基礎,從而使領先的 大學 對其完整性以及向佛羅裡達大學預科學生提供有條件錄取的決定充滿信心。教學嚴謹而密集:我們每週為每個主要科目分配九節課(6小時45分鐘)。大多數學生還將學習雅思並參加備受推崇的EPQ(擴展課程資格),這將對他們的大學申請有很大幫助。
- STEM(科學、技術、工程和數學)
- BEM(商業、經濟和管理)
- 人文學科
- 創意藝術
ATHE 商業和管理 3 級文憑
對於正在尋找 A 級替代途徑並對商業和管理領域感興趣的學生,我們可以提供為期一年的商業文憑。這項政府認可的資格被許多英國最好的大學所接受。
在課程開始日期之前的 9 月 1 日之前,學生必須年滿 17 歲。在開始課程之前,學生的英語語言程度必須達到雅思 5.0 的最低程度。申請人必須參加我們特定課程的入學考試。
該課程在形式上相當於兩門 A 級課程,由六個課程模組組成,涵蓋商業和管理最重要的方面。本課程透過筆試、演示和課程組合的組合進行內部評估(沒有正式的外部考試)。最終成績將被授予「及格」、「優秀」或「優異」。
該文憑以嚴肅的學術內容和評估為基礎,從而使領先的 大學 對其完整性以及向我們的文憑學生提供有條件錄取的決定充滿信心。對於那些希望繼續學習商業或商業相關本科學位的人來說,這是一門極好的課程。
該文憑獲得英國政府正式認可-Ofqual 註冊 資格:No 601/8701/3;歐洲資格架構 4 級。
為了盡可能進入最好的大學,本課程應與一門或多門 A 級課程相結合(例如,用您自己的語言進行的 A 級課程)。大多數學生還將學習雅思並參加備受推崇的EPQ(擴展課程資格),這將對他們的大學申請有很大幫助。
- 管理業務營運
- 最大限度地利用資源來實現業務成功
- 營商環境
- 管理組織中的人員
- 團隊合作
- 有效的商務溝通
- 英文程度:雅思5.0+或同等程度(B1)
- 完成同等的 2 級課程,即 GCSE 或同等學歷
- Earlscliffe 英語和數學入學考試
- 面試
One-year GCSE programme
(the One-year GCSE is sometimes called an International Transition Year – “ITY”)
The majority of GCSE (ITY) students finish the year by taking five GCSE exams. These include English, Maths, a dual Science award, one Humanities subject and their own language. These exams are internationally recognised qualifications.
This is a great qualification for international students aged 15 years+. After completing GCSEs students progress on to A-levels, the Business Diploma, or the International Baccalaureate (IB).
Two-year GCSE programme
Occasionally a family will prefer for their child to complete the GCSE content across two years. This provides the student with opportunity to improve language ability in the first instance, adjust to the demands of the UK curriculum, solidify learning, and then drive towards enhanced GCSE exam results at the end of the second year.
Why choose to study GCSEs at Earlscliffe?
Our small class sizes and supportive teaching environment enables students to achieve 5 GCSEs in just one year. This qualification is highly recognised all over the world. GCSEs put Earlscliffe students in a very good position to progress into further education and subsequently onto university and beyond.
Some international students choose to study GCSEs before moving onwards, simply to give themselves a year to adapt to the educational system. This enables them to improve language skills, and adjust to life in the UK.
Other students from overseas prefer to take the Earlscliffe GCSE (ITY) as an experience year away from their own educational system. The British way of learning is an enjoyable change from their native curriculum, and they get fully involved in British boarding school life. At the end of this one-year programme, they have grown both academically and emotionally.
With years of A-level education experience, we support our students to achieve their very best, and reach the universities of their choice.
The A-level course is a two year programme with final, external exams taken at the end of the second year in May and June. Results are published by the external examination boards in mid-August. Our A-level teaching is rigorous and intensive: we allocate nine lessons (6hrs 45 minutes) to each main subject per week.
Earlscliffe students will ordinarily choose four subjects at A-level. One of these four subjects is usually a student’s own language.
Almost all of the subjects on offer at Earlscliffe are seen as ‘core’ subjects and they are therefore readily accepted by the UK’s best universities. Most students will also study IELTS and undertake the highly-regarded EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), which will help their university application considerably.
A-levels are national qualifications regulated by the UK government
For students who have completed their own country’s formal secondary school leaving certificate or qualification(s), we can offer a University Foundation Year (UFY) to prepare them fully for UK undergraduate life at some of the UK’s best universities.
The Earlscliffe University Foundation Year (UFY) is officially accredited by NCFE.
Students must be at least 17 years old by 1st September immediately preceding the course start date. Students must officially attain a minimum English Language level of IELTS 5.0 prior to starting the course. Our pathway-specific entry tests must be taken by applicants.
The University Foundation Year at Earlscliffe gives students a choice of pathways: STEM, BEM, Humanities, or Creative Arts. Each pathway is underpinned with serious academic content and assessment, thereby giving leading universities confidence in its integrity and in their decisions to make conditional offers to our UFY students. Teaching is rigorous and intensive: we allocate nine lessons (6hrs 45 minutes) to each main subject per week. Most students will also study IELTS and undertake the highly-regarded EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), which will help their university application considerably.
University Foundation Year Pathways:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
- BEM (Business, Economics and Management)
- Humanities
- Creative Arts
ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Business and Management
For students who are looking for an alternative pathway to A-levels and are interested in the areas of Business and Management, we can offer our one-year Business Diploma. This government-recognised qualification is accepted by many of the UK’s best universities.
Students must be at least 17 years old by 1st September immediately preceding the course start date. Students must attain a minimum English Language level of IELTS 5.0 prior to starting the course. Our course-specific entry tests must be taken by applicants.
Formally equivalent to two A-levels, the course comprises six course modules covering the most important aspects of business and management. The course is internally assessed using a combination of written tests, presentations and a course portfolio (there are no formal, external exams). The final grade will be awarded as a Pass, Merit or Distinction.
This Diploma is underpinned with serious academic content and assessment, thereby giving leading universities confidence in its integrity and in their decisions to make conditional offers to our Diploma students. This is an excellent course for those who wish to go on to study Business or a Business-related undergraduate degree.
This Diploma is officially recognised by the UK Government – Ofqual registered qualification: No 601/8701/3; European Qualification Framework Level 4.
In order to gain entry to the best university possible, this course should be combined with one or more A-levels (for example, an A-level in your own language). Most students will also study IELTS and undertake the highly-regarded EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), which will help their university application considerably.
Course modules
- Managing Business Operations
- Maximising Resources to Achieve Business Success
- The Business Environment
- Managing People in Organisations
- Working in Teams
- Effective Business Communications
Entry requirements
- English level: IELTS 5.0+ or equivalent (B1)
- Completion of equivalent Level 2 course, i.e. GCSEs or equivalent
- Earlscliffe English and Mathematics entry tests
- Interview