Dalhousie University (DAL)

大學 University, 大學預備班 University Foundation, 網上課程 Online Program
Bachelor's Degree 學士學位 (本科學位), Doctorate Degree 博士學位, English program 英語課程, Master's Degree 碩士學位, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)




達爾豪西大學位於加拿大熱情好客的東海岸,在充滿活力的海濱城市哈利法克斯設有校區,在特魯羅鎮設有農業校區,歡迎來自全國各地和全球超過115 個國家的21,000 名學生。 

我們是新斯科細亞省領先的研究密集型大學,擁有 13 個系,透過卓越的教學和探索精神來擴大理解,每年獲得超過 2.1 億美元的外部研究經費。




Dalhousie University combines high-impact research, meaningful teaching, and a deep sense of social responsibility that inspires our diverse community to make a difference here in Nova Scotia, across Canada, and on the global stage.

Where infinite ambition meets global impact

Located on Canada’s welcoming East Coast, with campuses in the vibrant oceanside city of Halifax and an Agricultural Campus in the town of Truro, Dalhousie welcomes 21,000 students from across the country and more than 115 countries around the world. 

We are Nova Scotia’s leading research-intensive university, with 13 faculties that expand understanding through teaching excellence and a drive for discovery resulting in more than $210 million in external research funding each year.

Dalhousie’s blend of groundbreaking research with outstanding teaching and makes for a unique and collaborative environment that empowers all our students, professors, researchers, and staff to achieve excellence and make a positive impact for our province, our country, and our world.