Columbia International College (CIC)

Co-education, 中學/高中 High School
English program 英語課程, OSSD


安大略省是學習、生活和工作的絕佳之地。安大略省居住著全國近 40% 的人口,是加拿大一些頂尖大學和學院的所在地。超過一半的加拿大新移民選擇在該省定居,使其城市成為多元化和繁榮的文化中心。學校為國際學生提供世界一流的教育和一流的沉浸式體驗,這可能是 60% 在加拿大學習的國際學生選擇在安大略省學習的原因。


  • 世界知名大學。 安大略省提供一些世界上最好的高等教育機會,包括多倫多大學、女王大學、西部大學、麥克馬斯特大學®、約克大學® 和 UOIT 等研究和創新領域的領先學校。
  • 有很多選擇。 安大略省是加拿大各省中擁有最多大學和專上學院的省份。
  • 教育無國界。 由於安大略省大學和學院獲得的學位、文憑和證書得到全球認可,學生獲得了競爭優勢。
  • 校外的機會。 全日制大學和學院的學生可以獲得校外工作許可證,因此您可以在安大略省的公司獲得寶貴的工作經驗。
  • 就業率最高。 安大略省大學畢業生的就業率是加拿大最高的,達92%。
  • 優秀的工作。 安大略省的城市提供無盡的就業機會。加拿大的金融中心位於多倫多,首都為渥太華,數千家跨國公司位於該省。
  • 接近美國的機會。 安大略省靠近紐約、波士頓和華盛頓等美國主要城市,可以透過實習、學生交流、研究生學習和就業機會實現個人和職業發展
  • 安全保障。 安大略省是加拿大最安全的省份,領先於不列顛哥倫比亞省和魁北克省。
  • 歡迎新人。 安大略省崇尚多樣性。這鼓勵文化沉浸和交流,將國際學生塑造成更了解世界的全球大使。新移民最多可以在加拿大工作三年,工作一年後有資格申請永久居留權。
  • 沒有公開考試進入大學。 學生可以憑藉安大略省中學文憑(OSSD)申請大學。哥倫比亞國際學院的學生可以根據六門大學預科課程的最終成績直接申請大學。



表現最出色的學生 有資格  在 11 年級和 12 年級申請多倫多大學的精英銜接課程 (EPP) 計劃。

該 計畫為期兩年, 旨在幫助 學生全面做好準備,滿足進入世界頂尖大學的嚴格要求。

該計畫提供的 學術、 領導力和 課外機會 超越了「Go Better」項目,也遠遠超越了普通高中。



CIC 的全面關懷教育系統 (Total Care Education System®) 為這些精英學生提供了一流的學術培訓、全面支持的生活環境和廣泛的領導力培訓機會,使這些精英學生能夠應對課堂內外的額外工作挑戰。



Ontario is an excellent place to learn, live and work. With nearly 40 per cent of the country’s population living in the province, Ontario is home to some of Canada’s top universities and colleges. More than half of Canada’s new immigrants choose to settle in the province, making its cities diverse and thriving cultural centres. Schools offer international students a world-class education and first-class immersion experience, which is probably why 60 per cent of international students studying in Canada choose to study in Ontario.

The best international educational experiences are academically, socially and culturally enriching. Here are our top reasons for choosing Ontario to study.

  • World-renowned universities. Ontario offers some of the best post-secondary education opportunities in the world, including schools that are leaders in research and innovation such as the University of Toronto, Queen’s University, Western University, McMaster University®, York University® and UOIT.
  • Lots of choice. Ontario has the largest number of universities and post-secondary colleges of any province in Canada.
  • Education that knows no borders. Students gain a competitive edge because degrees, diplomas and certificates received from Ontario’s universities and colleges are recognized worldwide.
  • Opportunities outside of school. Off-campus work permits are available for full-time university and college students, so you can gain valuable work experience in corporations within Ontario.
  • The highest employment rate. Ontario university graduates have the highest employment rate in Canada at 92 per cent.
  • Excellent jobs. Ontario cities offer endless job opportunities. Canada’s financial hub is located in Toronto, the capital city is Ottawa and thousands of multinational corporations are located in the province.
  • Close to U.S. opportunities. Ontario’s location close to major U.S. cities such as New York, Boston and Washington allows for personal and career development through internships, student exchanges, post graduate studies and employment opportunities
  • Safety and security. Ontario is the safest province in Canada, ahead of British Columbia and Quebec.
  • Welcoming to newcomers. Ontario celebrates diversity. This encourages cultural immersion and exchange, shaping international students into global ambassadors with a greater understanding of the world. Newcomers may work up to three years in Canada and are eligible to apply for permanent residency after one year of employment.
  • No public exam for entrance into university. Students can apply to university with their Ontario secondary school diploma (OSSD). Students at Columbia International College can apply directly to university based on their final marks in six pre-university courses.


ELITE PATHWAY Partnership with University of Toronto

Students who demonstrate the most exceptional performance are eligible to apply for the Elite Pathway Partnership (EPP) Program with the University of Toronto in their Grade 11 and 12.

The two-year Program is designed to comprehensively prepare students for the rigorous requirements for entry to the world’s best universities.

This program offers academicleadership, and extracurricular opportunities beyond the “Go Higher” program, and far beyond regular high school.


The CIC Edge

The CIC’s Total Care Education System® makes the challenge of this extra work, in class and outside of it, possible for these elite students because it provides top-notch academic training, a fully supported living environment and extensive leadership training opportunities.