我們將領導定義為利用你所受的教育為你自己以及你周圍的世界創造積極變化的選擇。四個 C 就是這種強調的體現。
哥倫比亞學院於 1854 年由南卡羅來納州衛理公會創立,當時名為哥倫比亞女子學院。該學院位於南卡羅來納州哥倫比亞市普萊恩街(現為漢普頓),並於 1859 年 10 月向學生開放。
1865 年,內戰最激烈的時期,學院因謝爾曼將軍的軍隊逼近哥倫比亞而關閉,但於1873 年重新開放。 Hyatt) 和上校(Col.約翰·T·斯隆捐贈了土地。
哥倫比亞學院繼續作為高等教育機構,擁有約 1,500 名本科生和研究生課程的男女學生。
Our mission is to prepare every student personally and professionally for success through liberal arts and professional programs emphasizing service, social justice, and leadership development.
We define leadership as the choice to use your education to create positive change, in yourself, and in the world around you. The Four Cs are an expression of this emphasis.
High expectations for preparing our students for lifelong learning through a liberal arts education that promotes critical thinking and personal growth and provides career preparation and mastery of a range of transferable skills.
Creating innovative learning environments and providing support services that are nurturing and hold the students accountable for their success.
A diverse set of backgrounds and perspectives, a sense of belonging, and feeling welcomed.
Responsibility to give back to the community, to collaborate, and to seek meaningful experiences and opportunities for leadership for all.
Columbia College was founded in 1854 as Columbia Female College by the Methodist Conference of South Carolina. The College, located on Plain Street, now Hampton, in Columbia, SC, opened to students in October 1859.
In 1865 during the height of the Civil War, the College closed as General Sherman’s troops approached Columbia but reopened in 1873. In 1904, the College dropped “Female” from its name and moved to Eau Claire after benefactors Frederick H. Hyatt and Col. John T. Sloan donated land.
In 1964, the campus survived a fire that destroyed the Old Main classroom building and the East Wing Dormitory. What remained of the columns became a symbol for the College and has since been incorporated into the logo.
Columbia College continues to serve as an institution for higher education, with approximately 1,500 male and female students in both undergraduate and graduate courses.