Columbia Academy (CA)

Co-education, Kindergarten to Grade 12


哥倫比亞學院成立於 2014 年,提供經過 BC 省教育部認可的幼兒園至 12 年級高中課程。我們是一所以學術為導向的學校,特別注重志工服務、社團和競賽。

過去,我們的學生100%被大學錄取,其中90%被全球排名前50的大學錄取。我們也是一所 AP 學校和官方 AP 測驗中心。

從 2023 年 9 月開始,我們將擴大小學計畫。我們的目標是提供身臨其境、引人入勝的學習體驗,為學生未來的成功做好準備。 為我們的學生提供更強大、更早的開始,將使他們更好地實現更高、更雄心勃勃的目標。

  • 高度重視數學和英語:為核心科目打下堅實的基礎。
  • 早期第二語言學習:從幼兒園開始的法語和普通話課程,促進語言技能和文化理解。
  • K-7 計畫的 IB 要素:幫助學生為全球教育做好準備。
  • 社會責任:參與志願服務和籌款活動,以培養同理心和社區參與。
  • 專業運動教練:增強運動能力、團隊合作與運動精神。
  • 方便的課前和課後計畫:專為滿足在職父母的需求而設計。
  • 豐富的課外活動:探索藝術、武術、冥想、舞蹈、體育和客座演講。
  • 經驗豐富、有執照的教師:小班授課的個人化關注。
  • 通往頂尖大學之路:幫助學生進入世界排名前 10 的大學。
  • 有競爭力的學費:在不影響品質的情況下提供負擔得起的學費。

哥倫比亞學院對我們以學生為中心的方法感到非常自豪,在設計課程時,我們非常重視認識和培養每個孩子的獨特優勢和興趣。作為我們教育框架的基礎,我們遵守 B​​C K-7 課程和指南。


我們的教學人員由充滿熱情且經驗豐富的 BC 執照教師組成。他們將豐富的知識和專業知識帶入課堂,確保我們的學生接受最高品質的教育。我們的老師致力於創造一個支持性且有吸引力的學習環境,使學生能夠充分發揮潛力。






  • 卓越的學術成就: 我們的高中畢業生的大學錄取率為 100%,全球排名前 50 的大學錄取率為 90%,我們致力於為學生的成功做好準備。我們新的小學課程確保我們能夠為卓越的學業奠定更堅實的基礎。
  • 以學生為中心的學校: 哥倫比亞學院是一所以學生為中心的學校,為學生提供個人化的支持和關注
  • 特殊 課程: 包括  法語和普通話課程,以及科學、技術、工程和數學實踐學習的 STEM 課程
  • 小班制: 我們的小班制和多元文化學習環境可以培養學生的個人關注和多元化觀點。
  • 課外活動: 我們在音樂、舞蹈、視覺藝術和體育方面的課外活動為學生提供了探索興趣、發展新技能和建立友誼的機會。
  • 課前和課後計畫: 我們的課前和課後計畫旨在透過為孩子提供安全和養育的環境來支持在職父母。家長可以在放學前和放學後將孩子交給我們,讓他們能夠專注於自己的 事業 ,同時確保孩子的健康。
  • 便利的地理位置: 我們的校園位於溫哥華市中心,距離多個輕軌車站僅幾分鐘路程,可輕鬆前往圖書館、海堤、公園、遊樂場和運動場。
  • 我們敬業且富有同情心的教師 擁有豐富的經驗,並持有受人尊敬的 BC 教師執照。他們致力於創造一個培育性的學習環境,促進學生的福祉和學業成功。



 哥倫比亞學院是中學課程的候選學校。我們正在尋求 IB 世界學校的授權。 IB 世界學校有著共同的理念——致力於高品質、富有挑戰性的國際教育——我們相信這對我們的學生很重要。

我們的中學課程專為 8 年級和 9 年級的學生而設計,他們正在尋求卓越的教育,為他們的學術之旅及以後的學習做好準備。

我們的綜合課程遵循 BC 省教育部課程,確保我們的學生接受符合最高學術卓越標準的嚴格教育。





  • 英語語言藝術 
  • 數學 
  • 科學 
  • 社會研究 
  • 體育與健康教育 
  • 藝術教育 
  • 職業教育 
  • 應用設計、技能與技術





我們的初中計畫對於正在尋求具有挑戰性和回報的教育體驗的 8 年級和 9 年級學生來說是一個絕佳的機會。我們的計劃旨在幫助學生為高中及以後的成功做好準備,為他們提供實現目標所需的技能和知識。如果您正在尋找一所重視學術卓越、個人成長和社區參與的學校,那麼我們邀請您加入我們的中學課程。


BC 畢業課程(10-12 年級)





「山茱萸文憑」 頒發給成功完成 BC 省畢業要求的學生。學生至少需要修滿 80 個學分 才能畢業。

在這 80 個學分中:

  • 至少 16 個學分必須達到 12 年級水平,包括所需的語言藝術 12 和職業生涯聯繫
  • 至少28學分必須是選修課程學分 
  • 2023 年 7 月 1 日生效:至少 4 個學分必須以原住民為重點(  有關更多信息,請參閱以原住民為重點的畢業要求 – 不列顛哥倫比亞省 ( )
  • 以下課程需要 52 個學分:
    • 職業與生活教育(4學分)與職業與生活連結(4學分)
    • 體育與健康教育10(4學分)
    • 科學 10(4 學分)和科學 11 或 12(4 學分)
    • 社會研究 10(4 學分)和社會研究 11 或 12(4 學分)
    • 數學 10(4 學分)和數學 11 或 12(4 學分)
    • 語言藝術 10、11 和必修 12(共 12 學分)
    • 藝術教育 10、11 或 12 和/或應用設計、技能和技術 10、11 或 12(共 4 學分)


  • 2018 年推出 10 年級算術評估
  • 10 年級讀寫能力評量於 2019/20 年度推出
  • 12 年級讀寫能力評估將於 2021/22 年推出 

哥倫比亞學院為那些希望挑戰自我、積極進取的學生提供一系列先修課程。除了 BC 畢業課程外,還提供 AP 課程。 

我們優先考慮學生的心理健康和福祉,要求他們完成流行的幸福12課程,該課程改編自哈佛大學開發的課程材料。本課程是我們學習經驗的基礎組成部分,為學生提供保持良好心理健康的重要工具和策略。它也被許多大學接受作為 12 年級課程要求的一部分。





大學先修課程(AP)是針對高中生的大學程度課程計畫。 BC 省的學生正在尋找額外的挑戰來幫助他們為大學程度的學習做好準備,他們通常會選擇修讀 AP 課程並挑戰考試。標準、課程和考試由美國大學理事會制定,但這些課程和考試得到加拿大和世界頂尖大學的認可。這些課程還為學生提供了一個機會,讓他們在學術上脫穎而出,並增加獲得大學入學獎學金的機會。

哥倫比亞學院 AP 課程

哥倫比亞學院提供以下科目的 AP 課程。如果出現對其他課程的需求,我們可能會考慮在今年或未來幾年提供這些課程。

  • AP微積分AB
  • AP 微積分 BC
  • AP化學
  • AP中國語言文化
  • AP總體經濟學
  • AP個體經濟學
  • AP心理學
  • 美聯社統計
  • 美聯社美國歷史

哥倫比亞學院確保我們的 AP 教師擁有豐富的 AP 課程教學經驗,並且在 AP 考試中擁有良好的成功記錄。 AP 課程在課後方便地提供,以適應學生繁忙的日程。我們從過去在哥倫比亞學院修讀 AP 課程的學生那裡得到的回饋非常正面。 AP 課程讓我們的學生有機會豐富他們的學習,同時為進入世界頂尖大學提供機會。



Elementary School (K-7)

Columbia Academy was established in 2014 and offers a Kindergarten to Grade 12 high school program accredited by the BC Ministry of Education. We are an academic-driven school with extra attention given to volunteering, clubs, and competitions.

In the past, 100% of our students have been accepted by universities, and 90% have been accepted by the top 50 universities worldwide. We are also an AP school and official AP testing center.

Starting September 2023, We are expanding to include an elementary school program. Our aim is to provide an immersive and engaging learning experience that prepares students for future success. Enabling a stronger and earlier start for our students will better equip them to achieve higher and more ambitious goals.

  • Strong focus on Math and English: Building a strong foundation in core subjects.
  • Early second language learning: French and Mandarin language courses from Kindergarten, promoting language skills and cultural understanding.
  • IB Element for K-7 program: Preparing students for global education.
  • Social responsibility: Engaging in volunteering and fundraising activities to nurture empathy and community engagement.
  • Professional sports coaching: Enhancing athleticism, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
  • Convenient Before and After School Programs: Designed to meet the needs of working parents.
  • Enriched After School Program: Explore art, martial arts, meditation, dance, sports, and guest speakers.
  • Experienced, licensed teachers: Personalized attention with small class sizes.
  • Path to Top Universities: Equipping students for admission to the world’s top 10 universities.
  • Competitive tuition fees: Offering affordability without compromising quality.

Columbia Academy takes great pride in our student-centered approach, where we place a strong emphasis on recognizing and nurturing the unique strengths and interests of each child when designing our curriculum. As the foundation of our educational framework, we adhere to the BC K-7 curriculum and guidelines.

However, we go above and beyond by incorporating additional subject areas such as Art, Music, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), sports, and Second Language studies in French and Chinese. This holistic approach to education allows us to provide a well-rounded learning experience that enriches the lives of our students.

Our teaching staff consists of passionate and experienced BC-licensed teachers. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom, ensuring that our students receive the highest quality education. Our teachers are dedicated to creating a supportive and engaging learning environment that empowers students to unlock their full potential.

At our elementary school, we are committed to instilling values of kindness, peace, and compassion towards the world.

We believe that by encouraging our students to develop these qualities, they will not only become better learners but also better citizens. Our holistic approach to education ensures that students are well-prepared not just for the academic rigors of high school but also for life beyond the classroom.

By enrolling in our elementary school, students will benefit from a comprehensive education that will lay the foundation for academic and personal excellence. We are excited to welcome students and families to our community and to continue the legacy of providing exceptional education that prepares students for the world’s top universities.

Why attend Elementary School at Columbia Academy?

  • Academic excellence: With a 100% university acceptance rate for our high school graduates and a 90% acceptance rate into the top 50 universities worldwide, we are committed to preparing our students for success. Our new elementary school program ensures that we can provide an even stronger foundation for academic excellence.
  • Student-centered school: Columbia Academy is a student-centered school that provides individualized support and attention to students
  • Special programs: It includes French and Mandarin language classes, as well as a STEM program for hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Small class: Our small class sizes and multicultural learning environment foster personalized attention and diverse perspectives for our student.
  • Extracurricular: Our extracurricular activities in music, dance, visual arts, and sports provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, develop new skills, and build friendships.
  • Before and after-school program: Our before and after-school program is designed to support working parents by providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children. Parents can leave their children with us before and after school, allowing them to focus on their careers while ensuring their child’s well-being.
  • Convenient location: Our campus, situated in downtown Vancouver, is just a few minutes away from multiple SkyTrain stations, providing easy access to the library, seawall, parks, playgrounds, and sports fields.
  • Our dedicated and compassionate teachers possess extensive experience and hold esteemed BC teacher licenses. They are committed to cultivating a nurturing learning environment that fosters the well-being and academic success of our students.


Middle School ( Grade 8-9)

Columbia Academy is a candidate school for the MYP. We are pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students.

Our Middle School program is designed for students in grade 8 and grade 9 who are looking for an exceptional education that will prepare them for their academic journey and beyond.

Our comprehensive program follows the BC Ministry of Education curriculum, ensuring that our students receive a rigorous education that meets the highest standards of academic excellence.

Our highly qualified and experienced teachers are dedicated to providing our students with the support and guidance they need to succeed.

They are passionate about education and work tirelessly to help our students develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

Our teachers also foster a culture of collaboration, encouraging our students to work together and learn from one another.

Our Middle School program covers all the essential subjects, including:

  • English Language Arts 
  • Mathematics 
  • Science 
  • Social Studies 
  • Physical and Health Education 
  • Arts Education 
  • Career Education 
  • Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies

In addition to our rigorous academic program, we believe that extracurricular activities are an essential part of a well-rounded education. That’s why we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, such as volunteering work, fundraising projects, student clubs, and various competitions. These activities help our students develop valuable life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication, while also providing them with opportunities to explore their interests and passions.

At our school, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment that nurtures the whole child. We believe that every child has unique talents and abilities, and it is our responsibility to help them discover and develop these talents. 

In addition to our rigorous academic program, we believe that extracurricular activities are an essential part of a well-rounded education. That’s why we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, such as volunteering work, fundraising projects, student clubs, and various competitions. These activities help our students develop valuable life skills, such as leadership, teamwork, and communication, while also providing them with opportunities to explore their interests and passions.

At our school, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment that nurtures the whole child. We believe that every child has unique talents and abilities, and it is our responsibility to help them discover and develop these talents. 

Our Middle School program is a fantastic opportunity for grade 8 and grade 9 students who are looking for a challenging and rewarding educational experience. Our program is designed to prepare our students for success in high school and beyond, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their goals. If you are looking for a school that values academic excellence, personal growth, and community involvement, then we invite you to join us at our Middle School program.


BC Graduation program ( Grade 10-12)

Columbia Academy warmly invites diligent and ambitious students with a strong desire to attend the world’s top universities.

As a premier educational institution, we provide a comprehensive curriculum that equips students with the knowledge and skills to excel in high school and beyond.

Our courses not only fulfill the requirements for BC high school graduation but also adhere to the rigorous standards of specific universities, ensuring that our students are well-prepared for their academic pursuits

Dogwood Diploma

“Dogwood Diploma” is awarded to students who successfully complete the provincial graduation requirements in BC province. Students require a minimum of 80 credits to graduate.

Of these 80 credits:

  • At least 16 credits must be at the Grade 12 level, including a required Language Arts 12 and Career Life Connections
  • At least 28 credits must be elective course credits 
  • Effective July 1, 2023: At least 4 credits must have an Indigenous-focus (see Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirements – Province of British Columbia ( for additional information)
  • 52 credits are required from the following:
    • Career-Life Education (4 credits), and Career-Life Connections (4 credits)
    • Physical and Health Education 10 (4 credits)
    • Science 10 (4 credits), and a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits)
    • Social Studies 10 (4 credits), and a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits)
    • A Math 10 (4 credits), and a Math 11 or 12 (4 credits)
    • A Language Arts 10, 11 and a required 12 (12 credits total)
    • An Arts Education 10, 11, or 12 and/or an Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 10, 11, or 12 (4 credits total)

In addition, students must also complete three graduation assessments:

  • The Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment was introduced in 2018
  • The Grade 10 Literacy Assessment was introduced in 2019/20
  • The Grade 12 Literacy Assessment will be introduced in 2021/22 

Columbia Academy  offers a range of Advanced Placement courses for motivated students who wish to challenge themselves. AP courses are  offered in addition to the BC Graduation Program. 

We prioritize the mental health and wellbeing of our students, requiring them to complete the popular Happiness 12 course, which is adapted from course materials developed by Harvard University. This course is a foundational component of our learning experience and provides students with important tools and strategies for maintaining good mental health. It is also accepted by many universities as part of Grade 12 course requirements.

We are committed to helping our students get accepted by their dream universities. Students in our Graduation program are required to participate in volunteer activities, fundraising projects, and school clubs. By participating in these activities, our students develop the skills and qualities that universities are looking for in their applicants, such as leadership and teamwork.

At Columbia Academy, we believe in providing our students with the support and guidance they need to achieve their academic and personal goals. We value academic excellence, mental health, and community involvement. If you are looking for a school that prioritizes these values, we invite you to join us at Columbia Academy.


Advanced Placement Courses & Exams

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program of university-level courses for high school students. BC students who are looking for an additional challenge to help them prepare for university-level learning, often choose to pursue AP courses, and challenge exams. The standards, curricula and exams are set by the American College Board, but these courses and exams are recognized by top Canadian and worldwide universities. These courses also provide an opportunity for students to distinguish themselves for their academic excellence and enhance their opportunities for entrance scholarships to universities.
The dates are set by the College Board. Details can be found on the College Board Website. Below we will also list the schedule according to the exams Columbia Academy plans to offer.

AP Program at Columbia Academy

Columbia Academy offers the AP program in the following subjects. If demand for other courses arise, we may consider offering them either this year, or in future years.

  • AP Calculus AB
  • AP Calculus BC
  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Chinese Language and Culture
  • AP Macroeconomics
  • AP Microeconomics
  • AP Psychology
  • AP Statistics
  • AP United States History

Columbia Academy ensures our AP teachers bring a wealth of experience delivering AP curricula, and who have a proven track record of high success on AP Exams. AP courses are offered conveniently after school hours to suit students’ busy schedules. The feedback we’ve gotten from past students who have taken AP courses at Columbia Academy has been very positive. AP courses have allowed our students the opportunity to enrich their learning while opening up opportunities to the worlds’ top universities.