- 一個讓每個人都有賓至如歸的感覺的小鎮…
- 一個擁有 4000 人口的小鎮。
- 雄偉的河流和令人驚嘆的景色。
- 《國家地理》雜誌將該地區的日落評為世界第二美麗的日落,僅次於夏威夷。
- 鎮上的醫院和醫療中心。
- 2個購物中心。
- 一條小而多元化的商業街。
- 步行即可到達幾家餐廳。
- 位於市中心的電影院和表演場地。
- 設備齊全的體育館和帶陽光露台的游泳池。
- 冰場和室外滑冰設施。
- 冬季有 12 公里(5.7 英里)的越野滑雪道,夏季有步道。
- 一條 9 公里(5.7 英里)長的河畔自行車道。
- 直排輪、滑板公園和 BMX 自行車道。
- 網球、沙灘排球、足球、壘球和棒球。
- 溫哥華弗雷澤研究所於 2014 年 11 月發布的一項針對 523 所學校的研究顯示,該校在魁北克東部排名第一,在魁北克省排名第 41 位。
- 在魁北克省教育部(MEES)制定的考試中,通過率為98.2%,平均分為80%。
- 一所致力於學生成功的學校。
- 有能力、可用且敬業的教師。
- 提供法語課程的課程。
- 有機會註冊為普通學生,為期 6 個月至一年。
- 每個人都參與其中的溫馨環境。
- 為需要學習支援的學生提供個人協助。
- 提供多種專業課程和專業選擇(科學、藝術、音樂、體育、領導力培訓、國際合作等)
An enriching and stimulating environment
- A town where everyone can feel at home…
- A small town with a population of 4000. A town that welcomes students to its 2 pre-university campuses.
- A majestic river and stunning views.
- National Geographic magazine placed the region’s sunsets as the second most beautiful in the world, after Hawaii.
- Hospital and medical centres in town.
- 2 shopping centres.
- A small yet diversified commercial street.
- Several restaurants within walking distance.
- A movie theater and show venue in the middle of town.
- A well-equipped sports hall and a swimming pool with a sun terrace.
- Ice arena and outdoor skating facilities.
- 12 km (5.7 miles) of cross-country ski trails in the winter or walking trails in the summer.
- A 9 km (5.7 miles) riverside bike path.
- In-line skating track, skate-board park and BMX bike trail.
- Tennis, beach volleyball, soccer, softball and baseball.
A leading private high school and pre-university establishment
Live in an enriching and stimulating environment…
- In a study of 523 schools published by the Fraser Institute of Vancouver in November 2014, the establishment placed first in Eastern Quebec and 41st in the province of Quebec.
- A pass rate of 98.2% and a general average of 80% in the exams set by the Ministry of Education (MEES) of Quebec.
- A school committed to the success of its students .
- Competent, available and dedicated teachers.
- A curriculum offering francisation lessons.
- The chance to register as a regular student for a period from 6 months to a year.
- A welcoming environment where everyone is included.
- Individual help offered to students needing support for learning.
- A wide choice of specialized programs and concentrations is available (Science, Art, Music, Sports, Leadership Training, International Cooperation, etc.)