Chase Grammar School

Co-education, Rec to Year 13, 中學/高中 High School, 大學預備班 University Foundation
GCE A Level, GCSE, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)

歡迎來到蔡斯語法 |斯塔福德郡預科學校

蔡斯文法預科學校(Chase Grammar Preparatory School) 是蔡斯文法學校(Chase Grammar School) 的一部分,蔡斯文法學校(Chase Grammar School) 是一所獨立、男女同校的寄宿和走讀學校,招收3 至19 歲的兒童。



  • 透過專注於學術和努力工作來致力於追求卓越的學術成就
  •  專注於品格建設,在任何情況下都能為學生提供良好的服務
  • 透過精神、社會、文化、智力、身體和創造性活動培養生活技能
  • 強調個人承擔個人責任
  • 對志工服務的信念和對他人的同情心
  • 尊重文化多樣性和國際意識


孩子們從3 歲到11 歲在蔡斯文法預科學校(Chase Grammar Preparatory School) 開始他們的旅程,我們的職責是打下堅實的基礎,使每個孩子都能建立非常密切的關係,並充分利用我們社區提供的每一個機會。我們期待歡迎您來到我們友好而快樂的學校。



我們教授刺激、個人化的課程,旨在促進所有學生的學術成就和個人發展,從小班到 A Level,最終通過 GCSE 和 A Level 的公開考試,並為國際學生提供雅思和國際預科文憑。


商業 與 經濟、 電腦科學、 藝術與攝影、 音樂、 戲劇、 心理學、 體育、 五種現代語言的選擇 (法語、德語、普通話、俄語和西班牙語),以及 數學、 科學、 英語、 人文學科的核心領域整個學校也教授表演藝術、職業、體育和 福利 。

學生透過學術導師 營運的 學習工具箱計畫了解一系列學習策略 ,並 在每天下午 4 點至 4.45 點享受各種 豐富的活動。各種各樣的學校旅行和特別活動也是每個學生在大通大學經歷的一部分。

國際學生可以作為「Pre A Level」計畫的一部分加入學校,在開始 A Level 課程之前,他們將與英國學生一起接受一年的教育。



蔡斯文法學校有著歡迎來自世界各地的學生來我們這裡學習的悠久傳統。 歡迎 9 至 19 歲的學生,並提供豐富的 英國課程, 包括 A Level、GCSE 和雅思考試資格。 我們也為國際學生提供參加我們的 Pre A Level 課程並透過國際預科文憑升讀大學的機會。



Chase Grammar 提供獎學金計劃,幫助指導學生完成申請牛津大學、劍橋大學和羅素集團大學的流程。 我們的獎學金導師是牛津劍橋校友,他們將分享他們的經驗,並在申請最負盛名的大學的過程中提供見解和指導。



多年來,Chase Grammar School 的Pre-A Level 課程為國際學生提供了一條絕佳的途徑,讓他們在進入12 年級之前與在校學生一起學習一年。加入我們的課程,並在下一學年升入六年級。 



國際預科文憑 (IFD) 是為期一年的課程,旨在讓學生直接升讀英國和世界各地的各種大學課程。它是傳統的兩年制 A Level 和 Btec 課程的替代課程,並且是越來越受歡迎的資格。

IFD 專為以英語為外語、尋求獲得以英語授課和評估的高等教育資格的人士而設計。這是一項有價值的大學預備資格,可以讓考生展示他們的英語語言技能(一般和學術)以及關鍵的可轉移學習技能、文化知識和數學理解,以及對商業和經濟學基本概念的理解。 



Chase Grammar Preparatory School, is part of Chase Grammar School, an independent, co-educational boarding and day school for children between the ages of 3 and 19.

At Chase Grammar School we encourage our students to: think for themselves and become excellent decision-makers, discover a passion for lifelong learning, thrive on the many enriching opportunities available in a happy and caring environment

At the heart of the education we provide is a love of learning, which is supported by a healthy body and healthy mind. When students have completed their education at Chase they will be happy and confident individuals, able to make a difference in society. We celebrate international awareness and highlight the similarities we share as a community:

  • a commitment to academic excellence through focus on scholarship and hard work
  •  a focus on character building that will serve the students well in all situations
  • the building of life skills through spiritual, social, cultural, intellectual, physical & creative activities
  • an emphasis on the individual to take personal responsibility
  • a belief in voluntary service and compassion towards others
  • respect for cultural diversity and international awareness

At Chase Grammar Preparatory School our calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere is appreciated by all who attend and visit. Small class sizes allow for exceptional pastoral care which leads to academic success and rapid personal development for all our children. 

Children start their journey with us in Chase Grammar Preparatory School from the age of 3 up to 11, where our role is to build the solid foundations that will enable every child to develop very close relationships and make the most of every opportunity offered in our community. We look forward to welcoming you to our friendly and happy school.

Our teachers’ high standards, positive approach and dedication ensures that all our children’s individual needs are met in a learning environment that nurtures and sparks inquisitiveness allowing every child to thrive.


We teach a stimulating, personalised curriculum designed to promote the academic achievement and personal development of all students in small focused classes from nursery to A Level, culminating in public examinations at GCSE and A Level, with IELTS and the International Foundation Diploma offered to international students.

Our curriculum includes: 

Business and Economics, Computer Science, Art & Photography, Music, Drama, Psychology, Sport, a choice of five modern languages (French, German, Mandarin, Russian and Spanish), as well the core areas of Mathematics, Sciences, English, Humanities and Performing Arts, Careers, P.E. and Wellbeing are also taught throughout the school.

Students are introduced to a range of learning strategies through the Learning Toolbox programme run by their Academic Mentors, and enjoy a wide range of enrichment activities from 4-4.45pm every day. A wide range of school trips and special events is also part of every student’s experience at Chase.

International students may join the school as part of our “Pre A Level” programme, where they spend a year being educated alongside British students before starting a A levels.



Chase Grammar School has a long tradition of welcoming students from around the world to study with us.  Students are welcome from the ages of 9-19, and as well as offering a rich British curriculum including A Levels, GCSE and IELTS qualifications.  We also offer international students the opportunity to join our Pre A Level programme, and progress to university through the International Foundation Diploma.



Chase Grammar offers a Scholarship Programme to help guide students through the process of applying to Oxford, Cambridge and Russell Group universities.  Our Scholarship Mentors are Oxbridge Alumni who will share their experiences and provide insights and guidance along the path of applying to most prestigious universities.



For many years the Pre-A Level course at Chase Grammar School has provided a wonderful pathway for international students to join in with current students for a year before entering Year 12. Students are welcome to join us on this course in September, January or April, with progression into our 6th form following in the next academic year. 



The International Foundation Diploma (IFD) is a one year course that is designed to allow students to progress directly onto a wide array of university courses both in the UK and around the world. It is in alternative course to the traditional two year A level and Btec programmes, and is a qualification that is growing in popularity.

The IFD It is designed for speakers of English as a foreign language who are seeking to gain entry to higher education qualifications taught and assessed in English. It is a valuable university preparation qualification, which allows candidates to demonstrate their English language skills (both general and academic) together with key transferrable study skills, cultural knowledge and mathematical understanding, as well as an understanding of the essential concepts of business and economics.