Ashford School

Co-education, Rec to Year 13, 中學/高中 High School, 寄宿學校 Boarding School

阿什福德學校是一所男女同校的走讀和寄宿學校,位於肯特市中心,距離倫敦僅 37 分鐘路程。我們提供卓越且鼓舞人心的教育,讓所有學生都能快樂和成功。




透過 PSB 核心技能:思考與學習、回顧與改進、獨立、協作、領導和溝通,我們的目標是將每個孩子培養成熟練且積極的學習者,讓他們有機會接受挑戰;增強信心並培養他們對學習的熱愛。



我們不斷發展的課程超越了課堂,旨在透過使用綜合技術、專題和跨課程日、旅行和參觀,讓孩子們透過體育、創意表演藝術、音樂和 OAKS 充分沉浸在學習中;除了我們廣泛的課外活動之外,還有比賽。







  1. 安全讀寫和計算技能的發展是我們課程的核心。

  2. 我們設計了包容性和全面性的課程,提供廣泛的刺激課程。學術嚴謹性和挑戰機會都融入學習計畫。

  3. 我們的課程幫助孩子欣賞和理解過去和現在,同時鼓勵他們在我們周圍不斷變化的世界中擁抱創新。

  4. 工作人員宣傳閱讀、學術和終身學習發展的重要性。

  5. 我們鼓勵積極的學習習慣,以便所有學生都能充分發揮潛能。

  6. 我們的課程使學生能夠進行創造性和批判性思考,以便他們能夠對自己的未來做出明智的選擇。







  • 您的學術課程(A Level、BTEC Sport、EAL、短期課程)
  • 更廣泛的學術發展(例如課後講座、拓展俱樂部、辯論、更廣泛的閱讀)
  • 體育鍛鍊和運動
  • 社會、道德、精神、文化 (SMSC) 計劃
  • 校舍系統


  • 運動隊、音樂、戲劇
  • 廣泛的其他活動(從攀岩到搖滾樂隊)
  • 正式的領導機會(例如同儕指導、志工、級長職位)
  • 擴展項目資格

我們的大多數學生學習 A Level 的三門科目,並透過各種其他學習來補充這些科目。所提供的所有內容有多種可能的組合,因此挑戰可能在於決定省略每個術語的內容!



Alfred House(男生)和Brabourne House(女生)。






我們相信鼓勵和獎勵積極的行為,例如考慮他人、誠實、良好的舉止和適當的幽默。我們知道明確、公平的規則和製裁對於阻止不當行為的重要性。 我們與父母和/或監護人以及其他工作人員合作,幫助寄宿生充分利用機會並支持他們度過困難時期。


Ashford School is a co-educational day and boarding school situated in the heart of Kent and only 37 minutes from London. We offer an exceptional and inspiring education through which all pupils can be happy and successful.

At the Prep School, we believe that learning should be the ultimate adventure offer an exciting and broad curriculum which goes well beyond the National Curriculum.

With our school strapline of ‘Inspiring Minds’ at the heart of all we do, we place significant importance on developing each child as a skilful and positive learner.

Through the PSB (Pre Senior Baccalaureate) framework, we understand that every child is an individual and we encourage the children to take control of their own learning from the moment they join the School. Children at the Prep School embrace their learning with enthusiasm and confidence.

Through the PSB core skills: Thinking & Learning, Reviewing & Improving, Independence, Collaboration, Leadership and Communicating our aim is develop each child as a skilled and positive learner – allowing them opportunities to be challenged; grow in confidence and develop their love of learning.

“At the end of his or her time at the Prep School, your child will have a love of learning and know that learning is fun.”

Lessons are planned to ensure there is a tailored level of challenge, valuing each child’s strengths and areas for development. Units of work are designed to hook the children’s interests and active questioning allows them to fully immerse themselves and inspire their learning.

Our ever-evolving curriculum stretches beyond the classroom and is designed to fully immerse children in their learning through sport, creative performing arts, music and OAKS with the use of integrated technology, special subject and cross-curricular days, trips and visits; competitions, in addition to our extensive co-curricular programme.

These opportunities optimise their potential through enhancing their learning and ensuring there is greater breadth and depth in their understanding.

Every day is filled with learning opportunities for our students, both in and beyond the classroom.

Our comprehensive curriculum is delivered by passionate and highly qualified subject specialists who work with dedication to ensure every child leaves Ashford School with a distinguished academic record.

All children learn differently and have unique aspirations. We encourage all students to aim high and take a keen interest in their learning so they can be the best they can be.  We focus on optimising the achievements of every child and on developing them as strong and rounded young people.

“Through our ethos of Academic Rigour and Optimising Potential, your child will learn to develop the confidence to brave new experiences, to learn from mistakes and to take measured risks, with our full support every step of the way.”

Our Curriculum Philosophy:

  1. The development of secure literacy and numeracy skills lies at the heart of our curriculum.

  2. We have designed an inclusive and comprehensive curriculum offering a broad range of stimulating courses. Academic rigour and challenge opportunities are embedded in programmes of study.

  3. Our curriculum helps children both to appreciate and to understand the past and the present, whilst encouraging them to embrace innovation in the ever changing world around us.

  4. Staff promote the importance of reading, scholarship and the development of lifelong learning.

  5. We encourage positive learning habits so that all students can reach their full potential.

  6. Our curriculum empowers students to think creatively and critically so that they can make informed choices about their future.



Sixth Form Prospectus:

Adventurous Learning means taking risks, being challenged to think, and learning from your mistakes.

In the Sixth Form, we expect you to embrace opportunities and challenges, to take responsibility, and to lead others. In this way, you will develop both academically and personally. The Sixth Form curriculum is designed to provide a mixture of challenge and support, so that you continually extend yourself, becoming better equipped for life beyond Ashford School.

There are certain activities that form the “core” curriculum, with which we expect all students to engage:

  • Your academic courses (A levels, BTEC Sport, EAL, Short Courses)
  • Wider academic development (e.g. after-school talks, extension clubs, debating, wider reading)
  • Physical exercise and sport
  • Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural (SMSC) programme
  • The School House system

In addition, there are plenty of other opportunities to pursue your passions. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Sports teams, Music, Drama
  • A wide range of other activities (ranging from rock climbing to rock bands)
  • Formal leadership opportunities (e.g. peer mentoring, volunteering, prefectship)
  • Extended Project Qualification

The majority of our students study three subjects at A level and complement these with various other learning. There are numerous possible combinations of all that is on offer, so the challenge may be in deciding what to leave out each term!


We currently have two boarding houses open:

Alfred House (for boys) and Brabourne House (for girls).

Boarding houses are led by Houseparents and Assistant Houseparents, who are supported by a team of tutors.

During the School day, our boarders attend lessons and are indistinguishable from the rest of our School community.

Beyond normal school hours – both in the evenings and at weekends – our boarders are kept busy!

After the normal school day, once dinner has been eaten, we have significant time dedicated to undertaking homework and have staff on hand to help provide guidance and advice.

We aim to create an environment where we all recognise the value and the good in other members of the community – students, boarding staff, kitchen staff and cleaners. We respect our boarders’ views and value their input into how our boarding community should run. We encourage students to live their life in a way that considers the needs of others and respects their rights.

We believe in encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour such as consideration for  others, honesty, good manners and appropriate humour. We know the importance of clear, fair rules and sanctions to discourage inappropriate behaviour.  We work in partnership with our parents and/or guardians and other staff to help boarders make the most of their opportunities and to support them through the difficult times.