諸聖學院 是一所 獨立的、 男女同校的 基督教學院,具有 英國聖公會的 傳統。它成立於 1874 年,於 2018 年關閉,與巴瑟斯特蘇格蘭學校合併,成立 蘇格蘭諸聖學院,校區位於 新 南威爾斯州巴瑟斯特 和 利思戈。在合併之前,學院招收 從學前班到 12 年級的 走讀生以及 7 年級到 12 年級的寄宿生。
諸聖學院位於澳洲新南威爾斯州巴瑟斯特,是一所現代化、進步、全面卓越的學院,擁有廣闊、風景如畫的學習環境。學院坐落在 繁忙的地區城市的寬敞校園內 ,距離雪梨僅 3 小時車程,每天都有往返於雪梨和巴瑟斯特的直達火車服務。
Scots All Saints 擁有悠久的國際寄宿傳統,為 7 至 12 年級的學生提供優質的男女同校教育,提供安全、可靠和持續的學習環境。學院對支持學生所需的獨特責任有著深刻的理解,我們為能夠為我們照顧的年輕人營造家庭氛圍而感到自豪。
我們學院的核心是歸屬感。我們的國際 寄宿生 是社區的一部分,在這裡,歸屬感變成了終生的友誼,並培養了堅強且相互聯繫的年輕人。
Scots All Saints 取得了優異的 NAPLAN 和 HSC 成績,成為新南威爾斯州地區 2021 年高中證書排名前十的學校之一。
學術成功 在於鼓勵所有學生並指導他們充分發揮潛能。我們鼓勵學生成為自信、原創的思想家,並尊重自學院成立以來一直指導的基督教價值。我們鼓勵每個學生出類拔萃、關心他人、茁壯成長。為我們的學生提供培養對學習的熱愛所需的知識和技能,有助於他們成功地進入學校教育以外的世界,並有勇氣為社區做出積極的改變。 Scots All Saints 很自豪能夠提供廣泛的專業教育項目,包括 STEM(科學、技術、工程和數學)、農業、音樂以及愛丁堡公爵和 Invictus 領導項目。
All Saints’ College was an independent, co-educational Christian college in the Anglican tradition. It was established in 1874, and closed in 2018 to merge with The Scots School, Bathurst, to form Scots All Saints’ College, with campuses in Bathurst and Lithgow, New South Wales. Up until its merger, the college catered for day students from pre-kindergarten to Year 12, and boarders from Years 7 to 12.
Scots All Saints College located in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia is a modern and progressive College of all-round excellence with an expansive and picturesque learning environment. Located on a spacious campus in a busy regional city, the College is an easy 3-hour drive from Sydney, and a direct train service runs daily between Sydney and Bathurst.
With a longstanding tradition in international boarding, Scots All Saints offers quality co-education for students from Years 7 to 12 in a safe, secure and continuous learning environment. The College has a deep understanding of the unique responsibilities required to support our students and we take pride in creating a family atmosphere for the young adults in our care.
At the heart of our College is a sense of belonging. Our international boarders are part of a community, a place where belonging turns into lifelong friendships and develops strong and connected young adults.
Our large campus with lots of green space ensures students have the room to explore, learn and grow. Student accommodation is available to girls and boys (separately housed), conveniently located on campus so students can walk to class and participate in before and after school programs.
Scots All Saints achieves excellent NAPLAN and HSC results, ranking as one of the top ten schools in regional NSW for the 2021 Higher School Certificate.
Academic success is about encouraging all students and guiding them to achieve to their full potential. Students are encouraged to be confident, original thinkers and to respect the Christian values that have guided the College since its foundation. Every student is encouraged to excel, to care and to thrive. Equipping our students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop a love of learning helps launch them successfully into the world beyond their schooling, with the courage to make a positive difference in their community. Scots All Saints is proud to offer a broad range of specialist education programs that include STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Agriculture, Music and the Duke of Edinburgh and Invictus leadership programs.