Alexander College

大學預備班 University Foundation, 社區學院 Community College
Certificate, Diploma, English program 英語課程, University Foundation / Community College (大學預科/社區學院)


亞歷山大學院是一所私立高等教育機構,每年為約 4,500 名學生提供服務。



亞歷山大學院獲得不列顛哥倫比亞省高等教育部、學位品質保證委員會(DQAB)、不列顛哥倫比亞省教育品質保證(EQA) 計劃的認可和認可,並且是由不列顛哥倫比亞省招生委員會組織的不列顛哥倫比亞省轉學系統的自豪參與者。學年有四個學期:秋季(九月至十二月)、冬季(一月至四月)、春季(五月至七月)和夏季強化(七月至八月)。




  • 為具有多種文化背景和語言能力的學生提供支持性的學習環境。
  • 提供國際認可的大學轉學課程和學位課程。
  • 透過學術成就和社區參與支持個人成長和發展,為學生未來的學習和職業做好準備。


亞歷山大學院成立於 2006 年,隸屬於不列顛哥倫比亞省高等教育部,由兩個城市校區組成。這些校區位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的本那比和溫哥華。亞歷山大學院首先提供大學轉學和學術英語課程。從一開始,我們設計的課程就是為了幫助一年級和二年級本科生成功過渡到高等教育環境。這一成功得益於強大的學生支援和隨時可用的服務。


2006 年,亞歷山大學院獲準提供文科副學士學位,並於 2011 年獲準提供理科副學士學位。許多學生意識到,獲得副學士學位可以幫助他們過渡到大學並獲得研究生工作許可證在加拿大工作,從而成為加拿大公民。 2020 年 3 月 16 日,由於 Covid-19 大流行,亞歷山大學院與 BC 省所有專上機構合作,轉向以虛擬方式提供所有課程。除了在線提供所有課程外,學生學術和支援服務也轉變為線上提供。

2021 年 8 月,我們搬到了伯納比更大的校園,設施和服務得到了改善。原定於 2021 年秋季學期開放校園進行全面面對面教學的計劃因持續的新冠疫情而受到影響。在大流行情況允許的情況下,我們將按照省衛生局的指導方針逐步過渡到面對面的課程和服務。


About Us

Alexander College is a private post-secondary institution serving approximately 4,500 students every year.

About Alexander College

Alexander College offers a variety of undergraduate degree and transfer programs including University Transfer, Associate of Arts degree and Associate of Science degree. An integrated English for Academic Purposes program is also available to assist non-native English speakers with their transition to university level studies in the English language.

Alexander College is recognized and accredited by the BC Ministry of Advanced Education, Degree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB), BC Education Quality Assurance (EQA) program, and is a proud participant in the BC Transfer System, organized by the BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT). The academic year has four terms: Fall (Sept-Dec), Winter (Jan-Apr), Spring (May-July) and Summer intensive (July-Aug).


Alexander College strives for excellence in higher education for students from many cultural backgrounds and language abilities by providing internationally recognized university transfer courses and degree programs, individual support services, and campus activities to foster local and global community engagement.

Core Themes

  • Provide a supportive learning environment for students with many cultural backgrounds and language abilities.
  • Offer internationally recognized university transfer courses and degree programs.
  • Support individual growth and development through academic achievement and community engagement, preparing students for future studies and careers.

Our History

Established in 2006 under the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Alexander College consists of two urban campuses. These campuses are located in Burnaby and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Alexander College first offered University Transfer and English for Academic Purposes programs. From the beginning, we have designed our programs to help first- and second-year undergraduates achieve success in their transition to the post-secondary environment. This success is facilitated by strong student support and readily available services.

Our name, Alexander College, is from Sir Alexander Mackenzie, the Scottish-born fur trade adventurer and author. Alexander Mackenzie holds a special place in Canadian history. Thus, the name Alexander College is in the spirit of his achievement and vision.

In 2006, Alexander College was approved to offer the Associate of Arts degree and was later approved to offer the Associate of Science degree in 2011. We are continually adding specialty Associate degree concentrations for both Arts and Science. Many students realize that earning Associate degrees helps them transition to university and to working in Canada on a post-graduate work permit with a view to becoming Canadian citizens. On March 16th, 2020, in concert with all BC post-secondary institutions, Alexander College pivoted to offering all courses virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to offering all courses online, student academic and support services also transitioned to being offered online.

In August 2021 we moved to a larger campus in Burnaby with improved facilities and services. The original plan to open the campus for full face-to-face operations in the Fall 2021 term was compromised by the continuing Covid pandemic. We are gradually transitioning to face to face classes and services following the Provincial Heath Office guidelines as the pandemic situation allows.