Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School

Co-education, Kindergarten to Grade 12
English program 英語課程


阿伯丁中學 (Aberdeen Hall) 是一所世界一流的獨立高中,提供全面的課程。阿伯丁大廳提供了一個充滿活力的環境,學生們得到了一群充滿熱情和奉獻精神的教師的支持。

我們歡迎有動力取得成功並在學術、體育、藝術和領導方面充分發揮潛力的國際學生。參與志工和社區活動進一步培養了阿伯丁霍爾學生的全面發展。 憑藉學校、社區和寄宿家庭的大力支持和參與機會,國際學生可以體驗全面的教育,為他們在高中及以後的成功做好準備。


  • 畢業生獲得 BC 12 年級山茱萸文憑(至少學習兩年)
  • 豐富且富有挑戰性的學術課程旨在實現 100% 的學院/大學入學。 
  • 支持性的學習環境,學生可以接觸到高素質且經驗豐富的教師團隊。
  • 針對 8-12 年級的 ELL 課程,支援學術寫作、詞彙習得、研究和演示技能。 
  • 最先進的設施包括設計技能和技術中心、SkyLab 教室、健身房、130 個座位的演講廳以及全新的運動與健康中心。 
  • 佔地 44 英畝的校園為籃球、排球、田徑、越野、羽球、足球和橄欖球等校隊提供卓越的體育設施。
  • 學校和社區志工計劃。
  • 位於不列顛哥倫比亞省基洛納,是美麗的奧肯那根山谷中一個安全、95% 英語使用者的社區(距離溫哥華 40 分鐘航程)


Academic Excellence. Athletics and Arts. Leadership. Canadian Culture. Family. Community.

Aberdeen Hall offers a comprehensive program in a world-class independent high school. Aberdeen Hall provides a stimulating environment where students are supported by a team of passionate and dedicated teachers.

We welcome international students who are motivated to succeed and reach their full potential in academics, athletics, arts and leadership. Involvement in volunteer and community events further develops a well-rounded Aberdeen Hall student.  With tremendous support and opportunity for involvement at school, in the community, and with their host family, international students experience a comprehensive education preparing them for success in high school and beyond.

The Fast Facts

  • Graduate with Grade 12 BC Dogwood diploma (minimum two years of study)
  • Enriched and challenging academic curriculum designed to achieve 100% college/university acceptance. 
  • Supportive learning environment with students having access to a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty.
  • ELL course for Grades 8-12 to support academic writing, vocabulary acquisition, research, and presentation skills. 
  • State-of-the-art facilities include the Design Skills and Technology Centres, SkyLab Classrooms, Gym Studio, 130-seat Lecture Theatre, and a brand new Athletic & Wellness Center. 
  • 44-acre campus provides exceptional sports facilities for varsity teams in basketball, volleyball, track, cross-country, badminton, soccer, and rugby.
  • School and community volunteer program.
  • Located in Kelowna, British Columbia, a safe, 95% English speaking community in the beautiful Okanagan Valley (40-minute flight from Vancouver)